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作者:王輝   出處:法律顧問網(wǎng)·涉外anthonyjohnsonjr.com     時間:2012/4/4 17:03:23

第一章英文合同概述(General Introduction)..............................................................................................1
第一節(jié)合同與協(xié)議:(Contract and Agreement)................................................................................1
第二節(jié)合同的種類與名稱(Categories and Titles)........................................................................2
第二章英文合同的特色(Features of English Contracts).......................................................................4
第一節(jié)篇章結構特點(Text Structure)...........................................................................................5
第三節(jié)句式結構特點(Sentence Structure)..................................................................................18
第三章英文合同中常見的用詞及句型(Usual Wordings and Sentence Patterns)..............................23
第一節(jié)合同常用詞(Usual Wording)(1)............................................................................................23
第二節(jié)英語合同的常用句型(Sentence Patterns)...........................................................................39
第一節(jié)定義條款(Definition Clauses)..........................................................................................47
第二節(jié)合同轉讓條款(Assignment Clauses)...............................................................................48
第三節(jié)完整合同與修改(Entire Agreement/Modification to be in writing)................................49
第四節(jié)保證與擔保條款(Indemnification and Warranty)............................................................51
第五節(jié)解除與終止條款(Rescission and Termination)................................................................52
第六節(jié)違約條款(Default Clauses)..............................................................................................54
第七節(jié)爭議解決條款(Dispute Resolution).................................................................................56
第八節(jié)不可抗力條款(Force Majeure)........................................................................................59
第五章英文合同特殊條款(Special Clauses)............................................................................................62
第四節(jié)不形成聘用等關系條款(No Constitution of Employment, etc.)..........................................63
第五節(jié)所有權和風險條款(Risk of loss and title).......................................................................64
第六章英文合同導讀范例(Model Contract for Reading Guidance)......................................................65
附錄(Schedule ):合同術語CONTRACT TERNIMOLOGY..................................................................85
第一章英文合同概述(General Introduction)
In view of all this, we are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and our leaders, our Levites and our priests are affixing their seals to it.(Nehemiah BIBLE NIV)
合同,古稱契約(港臺現(xiàn)仍多用此語),"契"者即證券,證明買賣、抵押、租賃等關系的文書,如契據(jù)、房契等。古代典籍中常見此語,《易·系辭》就有"后時圣人易之以書契。" "約"者即共同商定的事,共同議定要遵守的條文,如和約、條約等!度龂萘x》中就有"昔高祖約法三章,黎民皆感其德。"
而西方在早在〈〈圣經(jīng)〉〉中就有關于上帝在西乃山與以色列人立約的記載。挪亞方舟就是籍著上帝與挪亞的契約而建造的:But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons'''' wives with thee. (但我要與你立約,你以及你的兒子、妻子和兒媳,要與你一同進入方舟。)
第一節(jié)合同與協(xié)議:(Contract and Agreement)
而在現(xiàn)代英語合同中,合同一般成為Contract,協(xié)議一般稱為Agreement。那么Contract和Agreement是一回事嗎?他們之間又有什么關系呢?《中華人民共和國民法通則》第85條規(guī)定:"合同是當事人之間設立、變更、終止民事關系的協(xié)議"(A contract shall be an agreement whereby the parties establish, change or terminate their civil relationship)!吨腥A人民共和國合同法》第二條規(guī)定:"合同是平等主體的自然人、法人、其他組織之間設立、變更、終止民事權利義務關系的協(xié)議"(Contracts referred to in this Law are agreements between equal natural persons, legal persons and other organizations for the purpose of establishing, altering and terminating mutual civil rights and obligations)。
美國法律整編合同法第二次匯編定義合同為:"合同乃為一個允諾或一組允諾。違反此一允諾時,法律給予救濟;或其允諾之履行,法律在某些情況下視之為一項義務。"(A contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty.) (Restatement,Second, Contracts, Section 1)這一定義在Steven H. Gifts 編著的Law Dictionary被完全引述. 但一般而言,Contract,乃兩個以上當事人間具有法律約束力之協(xié)議,或由一個以上當事人所為一組具有法律約束力之允諾。(A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties or a set of legal binding promises made by one party or more.(G. C. Lindsay, Contract, 3rd ed. 1992) 這一表述在L.B. Curzon編撰的Dictionary of Law中概括為"A legally binding agreement creating enforceable obligations." Chris Turner在其編撰的Contract Law中定義的更為具體明了"A contract is an agreement between two parties by which both are bound in law and which can therefore be enforced in a court or other equivalent forum."即合同就是對合同方具有法律上約束力,可由法院或其他同等管轄地強制執(zhí)行的協(xié)議。
至于agreement,L.B. Curzon的Dictionary of Law定義為:"A consensus of minds, or evidence of such consensus, in spoken or written form, relating to anything done or to be done."是對已做和待做的有關事宜以口頭或書面形式做出的相同意思表示或該意思表示的證據(jù)。
Black's Law Dictionary給Agreement下了兩個定義:一個是"a concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performances,"即雙方或多方就某些過去或將來事實或相關權利、義務或權利義務的履行而達成一致的理解和愿望。另一個是"The consent of two or more persons concurring
respecting the transmission of some property, right, or benefits, with the view of contracting an obligation, a mutual obligation."即兩個或多個當事人,為了約定單方責任或相互責任,就財產(chǎn)、權利、利益的移轉取得的一致同意。
Contract(合同)和Agreement(協(xié)議)到底能不能相互替換呢?讓我們來看看英文合同相關書籍和詞典的說法。Chris Turner在其Contract Law中是這樣闡述合同的成立:"There are three key ingredients to formation (of contracts): agreement-based on mutuality over the terms, agreement exists when a valid acceptance follows a valid offer; consideration-given by both sides, the quid pro quo, and the proof that the bargain exists; intention to create legal relations-since a contract is legally enforceable, unlike mere gratuitous promises. 即合同成立的三個要件:協(xié)議(基于要約與承諾形成對條款的相互一致而存在)、約因(雙方付出的對價及對價存在的證據(jù))和設立法律關系的意愿。(合同具有法律上的執(zhí)行力,不同于純粹的無償贈予的允諾)這里也是用agreement來解釋contract的,認為contract(合同)是一種符合一定條件的agreement(協(xié)議)。
在英語法律用語中雖然多用"agreement"來解釋"contract",其實也有偶用"contract"解釋"agreement"的情形,如:Agreement,…(2) A contract (The Law Dictionary) 甚至有在同一句中交替使用的實例,如:If the contract contains an innocent mistake, you can get out of the agreement if the mistake is important. (What Should I Know About Contracts, The State Bar of California, 2 Edi. 1984), 還有更為明確的:Agreement. Synonym for Contract (Robert LeRoy & Kenneth A. Buths, Business Law and Taxes, "Glossary", 1984)
綜上所述,我們不難看出,漢語的法律用語僅用協(xié)議來解釋合同,而英語的法律用語往往不很嚴格,多用Agreement解釋Contract, 但也有用Contract解釋Agreement的情形, 雖說大多情況Contract與Agreement有所區(qū)別,有時候兩者可以作為同義詞互換使用。作為具有法律意義的正式文件,兩者性質上是一樣的,但就廣義的協(xié)議和合同來講,還是有區(qū)別的:
第二節(jié)合同的種類與名稱(Categories and Titles)
一份英文法律文件, 到底是不是英文合同, 就要看它的內(nèi)容是否符合合同的要求。一般而言合同不外乎包括人、事、時、地、物五大要素,也就是4W1H (Who, When, Where, What, How),如果你手上的文件內(nèi)容包括了這五項要素而且簽署生效,該文件就應該具有了合同的性質,而不論它是以何面目出現(xiàn)的。常見的英文合同名稱可分為以下四大類:
一、合同、協(xié)議(Contract; Agreement)
文件名稱直接標明"Contract"或"Agreement"是最常見的英文合同。《中華人民共和國》第九章到第二十三章就合同種類作了概括,它們分別是買賣合同;供用電、水、氣、熱力合同;贈與合同;借款合同;租賃合同;融資租賃合同;承攬合同;建設工程合同;運輸合同;技術合同;保管合同;倉儲合同;委托合同;行紀合同;居間合同等十五大類。(Sales Contracts, Contracts for Supply of Power, Water, Gas or Heat, Donation Contracts, Loan Contracts, Leasing Contracts, Financial Leasing Contract,
Work-for-hire Contracts, Construction Project Contracts, Carriage Contracts, Technology Contracts, Safe-keeping Contracts, Warehousing Contracts, Agency Appointment Contracts, Commission Agency Contracts, Brokerage Contracts)
而常見的協(xié)議有委托代理協(xié)議(Agency Agreement)、合伙協(xié)議( Partnership Agreement、股份轉讓協(xié)議(Shares Assignment Agreement)、保密協(xié)議(Confidentiality Agreement)、競業(yè)禁止協(xié)議(Non-compete Agreement)、聘用協(xié)議(Employment Agreement)等等。
二、意向書(Letter of Intent)
文件名稱如果標明"Letter of Intent", "Memorandum of Understanding"(簡稱MOU, 通常翻譯為諒解備忘錄),甚至只稱為"Memorandum"(簡稱Memo,通常稱之為備忘錄)。另外,也有標明"Minute of Talks"(即會談紀要)。
三、契約(Covenant, Indenture, Deed, Compact,Protocol)
英文合同還有一些約定俗成的名稱。Covenant, 主要指不動產(chǎn)轉讓的合同或證明文件,英文合同如果基于傳統(tǒng)英美法對價的存在,也會用到這個詞, 表示雙方達成的契約。如:In consideration of mutual premises and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: Indenture通常也是指不動產(chǎn)轉讓的契約文件,Deed一般指地契、房契,Compact多用于國家間的協(xié)定、協(xié)議。
Protocol, 通常翻譯為草約或者議定書,往往也是雙方會談結果的文字依據(jù)。經(jīng)雙方簽字后,即受其約束,對草約內(nèi)容承擔法律責任,如果需要補充、修改、完善,雙方還會簽訂補充的協(xié)議。
四、其他書函(Letter; Waiver; Guaranty; Power of Attorney)
英文合同有時候非常簡短,形式上就像信函一樣,姑且稱之為書函類的英文合同,常常用"Letter"(函),"Waiver"(棄權書),"Guaranty"(保證書),"Power of Attorney"(委托書)等簡單明確的字眼作為合同的名稱。相對于"Agreement"或"Contract"類的合同,書函類的合同一般具有補充或附屬的性質,而且經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在"Agreement"或"Contract"類合同的附件中。當然書函類的合同對雙方當事人也有完全的拘束力。
例如:甲公司向乙銀行貸款,由丙公司做擔保人,通常甲公司與乙銀行會簽署一份總協(xié)議(General Agreement),做為雙方往來的主要依據(jù),再由丙公司簽署一份保證書(Guaranty)給乙銀行,而乙銀行每次撥款時,會發(fā)出一份授信書(Credit Letter或Facility Letter)給甲公司,授信書上會載明授信額度,作為甲公司申請撥款的依據(jù)。由本例中三份合同可以看出,General Agreement系授信的主要依據(jù),甲公司和丙銀行間的權利義務關系主要由General Agreement來規(guī)范,而Guaranty及Credit Letter均為附屬在General Agreement架構下的小合同。丙公司因簽署了Guaranty,因此對乙銀行負有保證義務,乙銀行因為簽署了Credit Letter,因此對甲公司就發(fā)生了撥款的義務。
本書撰寫的方式,是針對名稱為"Agreement(狹義)"或"Contract"類型的合同文件做閱讀方法的說明,其原因即在于此類文件的合同結構復雜而內(nèi)容完整,讀者若能掌握閱讀此類合同的要領,閱讀其它類型的英文合同時自然就"No Problem"沒問題了。
第二章英文合同的特色(Features of English Contracts)
Form follows function.
--motto of the Bauhaus school of architecture
與基礎英語相比,作為專業(yè)性極強的語言,英文合同的用語不同于日常語言,具有顯著的特點。首先,句子冗長而且復雜、似乎總也找不到句號,用詞偏僻,晦澀難讀,不易理解。其次,英文合同中往往沿用拉丁語,法律術語,跟中文的文言文似的,著實是佶屈聱牙,令人痛苦不堪。再次,由于屬于專業(yè)英語的范疇,英語合同必然涉及法律方面理解,閱讀者除了語言本身的能力外,對于法律也應具備一定的素質。這是所有專業(yè)英語的共性,就是需相應的專業(yè)知識,這方面本文恕不多言。下面就是Plain English Campaign(直白英語運動)組織所遇到的最長的英文合同的句子,有興趣的讀者不妨看看到底是什么意思:In the event that the Purchaser defaults in the payment of any installment of purchase price, taxes, insurance, interest, or the annual charge described elsewhere herein, or shall default in the performance of any other obligations set forth in this Contract, the Seller may: at his option: (a) Declare immediately due and payable the entire unpaid balance of purchase price, with accrued interest, taxes, and annual charge, and demand full payment thereof, and enforce conveyance of the land by termination of the contract or according to the terms hereof, in which case the Purchaser shall also be liable to the Seller for reasonable attorney''s fees for services rendered by any attorney on behalf of the Seller, or (b) sell said land and premises or any part thereof at public auction, in such manner, at such time and place, upon such terms and conditions, and upon such public notice as the Seller may deem best for the interest of all concerned, consisting of advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or city in which the security property is located at least once a week for Three (3) successive weeks or for such period as applicable law may require and, in case of default of any purchaser, to re-sell with such postponement of sale or resale and upon such public notice thereof as the Seller may determine, and upon compliance by the Purchaser with the terms of sale, and upon judicial approval as may be required by law, convey said land and premises in fee simple to and at the cost of the Purchaser, who shall not be liable to see to the application of the purchase money; and from the proceeds of the sale: First to pay all proper costs and charges, including but not limited to court costs, advertising expenses, auctioneer''s allowance, the expenses, if any required to correct any irregularity in the title, premium for Seller''s bond, auditor''s fee, attorney''s fee, and all other expenses of sale occurred in and about the protection and execution of this contract, and all moneys advanced for taxes, assessments, insurance, and with interest thereon as provided herein, and all taxes due upon said land and premises at time of sale, and to retain as compensation a commission of five percent (5%) on the amount of said sale or sales; SECOND, to pay the whole amount then remaining unpaid of the principal of said contract, and interest thereon to date of payment, whether the same shall be due or not, it being understood and agreed that upon such sale before maturity of the contract the balance thereof shall be immediately due and payable; THIRD, to pay liens of record against the security property according to their priority of lien and to the extent that funds remaining in the hands of the Seller are available; and LAST, to pay the remainder of said proceeds, if any, to the vendor, his heirs, personals representatives, successors or assigns upon the delivery and surrender to the vendee of possession of the land and premises, less costs and excess of obtaining possession.
因此,國外,特別是美國要求法律文件的格式和語言應當現(xiàn)代化的呼聲愈來愈強烈。Robert E. Swindle早在美國1980年出版的The Business Communicator一書中就寫到:" ... legal and quasilegal documents can and are being written in everyday language. Several leading companies are rewriting their legal forms voluntarily, and the State of New York recently passed a law requiring that businesses write consumer contracts in nontechnical language. Additionally, the President of the United States has directed all administrative agencies to write future regulations in what he termed plain English for a change." 大意是說法律和準法律性文件能用日常語言書就,而且人們也正在這樣做。幾家大公司自愿重新起草他們的法律文書,紐約州最近也通過一項法律,要求商業(yè)企業(yè)用非術語草擬消費者合同。另外,美國總統(tǒng)下令所有行政機構在出臺將來的規(guī)定時要用他所稱的直白英語進行變革。而在英國也有一個成立了25年的Plain English Campaign(直白英語運動)組織致力于各種公文的直白英語化,而反對各種官樣文章(gobbledygook)。1999年英國頒布實施的消費者不公平術語法(Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations)也要求消費者合同的術語必須用直白明了的語言(plain and intelligible language),該法也要求這些術語必須是易讀的,意味著要用清晰的設計和排。╟lear design and typography)。類似的法律也在歐盟的國家適用。
但Law Dictionary的作者Steven H. Gifts在該字典的前言中感嘆到"…the special language of the law remains a barrier to nonlawyers. To the extent that this promotes the economic health of the profession, maintains its aura, and prevent unauthorized practice of the law, it may be regarded as a virtue."大意是說,法律專業(yè)語言對律師以外的人士來講,仍然是一道壁壘。從促進行業(yè)經(jīng)濟的健康發(fā)展,保留行業(yè)特點和防止未經(jīng)授權進行律師執(zhí)業(yè)等方面考慮,可以把這種語言壁壘看作是一種行業(yè)優(yōu)勢。
作為非英美法系的非英語國家,面對加入WTO,全球經(jīng)濟一體化的嚴峻挑戰(zhàn),我們應該怎樣應對紛繁復雜的英文法律文件和語言呢?盡管Plain English(直白)似乎是大勢所趨,但萬事都有個漸變的過程,長年累月沉淀下來的習慣不是一下就能改變的。拿來主義某種意義上,是必須的,所以我們首先還是應該先通曉傳統(tǒng)的英語合同格式和用語,在精通的基礎上,才能談得上根據(jù)實際情況進行進一步的格式和用語方面的改革,取其精華,去其糟粕,當然,這需要一個漫長的過程。以下就針對英文合同的特色分別從篇章結構、用詞、句式結構以及時態(tài)四大方面進行說明:
第一節(jié)篇章結構特點(Text Structure)
第一部份文字叫做"Parties" ,也就是合同的「開場白」(Commencement),內(nèi)容在說明當事人姓名或名稱、國籍或注冊地國及住所地或主營業(yè)地、訂約日期包括各自在合同中的簡稱等等。
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into on ________ day of _________ (month), ____ (year), by and between: _______ (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ____, with its registered office located at ________________, and ______ (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee"), an individual, with nationality of _________ (Passport No._____) residing at _____________.
依_州法律組織設立的________公司(以下簡稱本公司) , 主營業(yè)地為_______,與
___國籍的____ (護照號碼: _____)(以下簡稱雇員), 居住于_________________。
& by and between
要表示合同是由哪些當事人所訂定,英文中通常會說"This Agreement is made by and between...",用"by"來表示合同「由誰訂定」,"between"來表示「誰與誰之間的訂立」。如果當事人不只兩個,也可以用"by and among"來代替。
& organized and existing
合同開場白里要說明當事人的國籍,在自然人的情況下可以用"a national of ..."或"an individual with the nationality of ..."來表示,如果是法人組織多半使用"organized and existing under the laws of ..."這樣的字眼,其中"organized"也可以用"incorporated"來代替。
& registered office
"registered office"是指一個公司的「注冊所在地」,它和"principal office" 或" principal place of business"即「主營業(yè)地」并不一定位于同一個地方。
第二部份叫做"Recitals",是由數(shù)個以"Whereas"字樣開頭的句子所組合而成(這些句子俗稱為"Whereas Clauses" 即鑒于條款)。"Whereas"的本義是"When in fact"、"considering that"、或"that being the case"的意思,所以"Whereas Clauses"就表示當事人乃是在基于對這些事實(例如訂約的目的、背景、原由等)的共同認識,訂立此合同。以下是一個補償貿(mào)易合同(Compensation Trade Contract)的Whereas Clauses,很簡單明了地表達了雙方合作的意愿。
Whereas Party B has machines and equipment, which are now used in Party B's manufacturing of steel wire rope, and is willing to sell to Party A the machines and equipment; and
Whereas Party B agrees to buy the products, steel wire rope, made by Party A using the machines and
equipment Party B supplies, in compensation of the price of the machines and equipment, and
Whereas Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the machines and equipment, and
Whereas Party A agrees to sell to Party B the products, the steel wire rope, in compensation of the price of Party B's machines and equipment;
Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:
緊接在一串whereas clauses之后,會出現(xiàn)類似上例中的"Now Therefore, ……:"這樣一句話,目的在提醒閱讀合同的人,真正規(guī)范訂約當事人權利義務關系的條款在這句話之后就要開始了,也就是說,這句話(一般稱為"operative part")是前言與正文之間過渡的橋梁,在此之前為訂約背景事實的敘述,在此之后則為關于交易關系的實體約定。
例如:Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:
正文(Hanbendum) 部分, 也稱為Body, 具體約定當事人的權利義務。各式各樣的正文條款是合同中最核心的部份,也是篇幅最大的部份,與當事人的權利義務關系發(fā)生最直接、最密切的牽連。
附錄也稱Addendum, Annex或Exhibit,也有用Attachment, List或Table表示的。附錄部分作為對正文條款的補充,不是所有英文合同都有的一項。以下就是一份聘用協(xié)議的附錄,對該公司聘用的經(jīng)理職責作出補充說明:
1.To manage, maintain and promote the business of the Company
2. To attend personally during the usual hours of business and to supervise and control the business and to
be accessible to customers and employees of the Company.
3. To keep the usual books of account.
4. To pay daily all money received in the business into the Company''''s bank account.
5. Generally to protect the interests of the Company.
1. 管理,維持并促進公司的經(jīng)營
2. 親自參與公司的日常經(jīng)營,監(jiān)管經(jīng)營,對本公司的客戶和員工平易近人。
3. 保管日常賬冊。
4. 支付日常公司經(jīng)營到帳的款項
5. 廣泛地保護公司的利益
EXHIBIT B Letter of Credit
Credit Bank, N. A.
International Banking Facility
Los Angeles, California 90000 U.S.A.
Letter of Credit No.:
We hereby establish this irrevocable letter of credit in your favor for account
of ABC Company in the amount of U. S. $ _______ (amount in words), available
against your draft(s) drawn at sight on Credit Bank, N.A., Letter of Credit
Department, Los Angeles, California, accompanied by your signed and dated
statement as follows:
"The amount drawn under Letter of Credit No.[_________]dated[_______] issued by
XYZ Bank Limited on behalf of ABC Company is payable to the undersigned pursuant
to the terms of that certain Loan Agreement dated as of _________, 20 ___,
between ABC Company and Credit Bank. N.A."
All drafts drawn under this Letter of Credit must bear the clause "Drawn under
XYZ Bank Limited Letter of Credit Number_____, dated_______, 20 ___.
Partial drawings are permitted.
We hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts
drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that the
drafts will be duly honored if drawn and presented to the above drawn in Los
Angeles, California, on or before [Expiry date 30 days after the final
Installment Payment Date].
This Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for
Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), International Chamber of Commerce,
Publication No. 400.
Special Instructions to Drawee Bank
In reimbursement for any payment made by you hereunder, you may debit our
account with you.
(Authorized Signature)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by duly authorized representatives of both parties on the date and year first written above.
___________________ ___________________
By: By:
Title: Title:
_________________ __________________
代表人: 代表人:
職務: 職務:
這三個詞是英文合同結尾辭的標準模式,實體上講并沒有什幺特別的功能或意義,與中文合同里最后通常會記載的「恐口說無憑,特立契為證」很類似,也有用IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF 替代,有時候也會用"INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND"代替,意思也是一樣的。
& duly authorized representatives
當合同之當事人為法人組織時,必須推選出一位自然人作為法定代表人,例如公司的法定代表人通常會是董事長,代表公司對外簽訂合同,建立權利義務關系。除了董事長根據(jù)法律當然具備對外代表公司的權限之外,公司董事會也可以通過決議授權某一個董事、總經(jīng)理、或其它重要職員作為公司簽約的代表人,此時與公司簽約的對方當事人為了確保這個代表人的確屬于"duly authorized representative",可以要求公司提供這個授權的董事會決議證明,以妥善保護自己的權益。下面就是一個董事會對采購員的授權決議:
Pursuant to a duly made, seconded, and carried motion the Board of Directors of __________ _________________ (hereinafter referred to as Corporation) adopted the following resolution by a unanimous vote:
RESOLVED, that ______________________ is hereby appointed Purchasing Agent of this Corporation with limited authority to make purchases in the Corporation''''s name and behalf. Under no circumstances will the Purchasing Agent have real or apparent authority to make a purchase for the Corporation if the dollar amount of said purchase or the total dollar amount of an installment purchase will exceed the amount of __________ dollars ($___________).
I The undersigned, _________________________, certifies that he or she is the duly appointed Secretary of _______________________ Corporation and that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the directors thereof, convened and held in accordance with law and the
Bylaws of said Corporation on _____________, (Date) and that such resolution is now in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have affixed my name as Secretary of _________________
____________________ Corporation and have attached the seal of ________________
____________________ Corporation to this resolution.
Dated: ______________________ ___________________________
& the date and year first written above
如果合同結尾辭里注明的日期和合同前言所載明的日期相同,就用這句話表示,如果不同的話,就應該另以條款明定合同生效日(Effective Date),以免產(chǎn)生爭議。如下例:
After this contract is signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties, both parties shall submit the contract to their governments or Boards of Directors for approval. The date when the later party obtains
the approval shall be taken as the effective date of the contract. Both parties shall attempt to get the contract approval within 60 days from signing and notify by telex or cable the other party of the approval which is confirmed by the following registered air-mail letter.
1.專業(yè)性術語(Technical Terms/ Terminology)
法律專業(yè)性術語是在合同等法律文件中才用到的詞匯,它并不以一般受眾為對象,而針對專業(yè)人士,力求使語言表達準確無誤。中文合同中常見的諸如"瑕疵"(defect)、"救濟"(remedy)、"不可抗力"(force Majeure)、"管轄"(jurisdiction)等專業(yè)用詞就已經(jīng)讓非專業(yè)人士大惑不解了,英文合同的專業(yè)用詞自然就更玄妙無比了。具體的實例如下:
Without prejudice to the parties'' rights under Clause 18. 1, the indemnities provided for in Clausel6. 1 and/or 16. 2 and/or 16. 3 shall be the sole compensation for the damages caused by such delays.不妨害18.1款雙方的權利,16.1,16.2及16.3款規(guī)定的賠償應為上述延誤引起損害的唯一賠償金。indemnities較compensation專業(yè),此處用compensation解釋了indemnities;
Any such assignment, transfer or conveyance shall be without other consideration than the mutual covenants and considerations of this agreement.任何轉讓除根據(jù)本協(xié)議相互契約和對價外不得考慮其他。Transfer,assignment和conveyance都有轉讓的含義,其中assignment和conveyance(多用于不動產(chǎn))尤為專業(yè)。
We advise you of our intention to terminate our tenancy on or before ________________ (Date) and to deliver to you full possession of the premises。我方不遲于某日期通知你方終止租約并交還房屋全部所有。tenancy指房屋租賃的租約,而premises指租賃的房屋及其附屬物都是專業(yè)用語。
Licensee agrees to pay to Licensor a minimum royalty of___________ Dollars ($______) as a minimum guarantee against royalties to be paid to Licensor during the first contract term, said minimum royalty to be paid on or before the last day of the initial term hereto. 受許可方同意支付許可方最低使用費*美元作為該許可合同第一期使用費的最低保證金,該最低使用費不遲于本合同的入門期最后一天支付給許可方。Royalties在許可合同中專指特許權使用費。
Price of the Contract shall be calculated on Royalty in accordance with the content and scope stipulated in Article 2 to the Contract and shall be paid in___________.按照第二條規(guī)定的內(nèi)容和范圍。本合同采用提成方式計算價格,計價的貨幣為___。與上例不同的是,這里的royalty指的是許可合同計價方式的一種即提成計價(royalty price),相對于統(tǒng)包價格(lumpsum price)
Default in observing or performing any of the covenants or agreements of debtor set forth in any collateral document of security given to secure indebtedness hereunder, and the continuation of such default beyond any period of grace specified in any such document.
Furthermore, the parties agree that the following situations shall be considered as exceptional circumstances which justify the earlier termination by the other party: bankruptcy, moratorium, receivership, liquidation or any kind of composition between the debtor and the creditors, or any circumstances which are likely to affect substantially one party''s ability to carry out his obligations under this contract。此外,雙方同意以下條件應認為是對方合理提前終止合同的例外情形:破產(chǎn)、延付令、破產(chǎn)在管、清算或其他債權人和債務人任何形式的和解,或任何可能對一方履行合同項下義務能力造成實質影響的情形。此處的composition顯然不是普通英語中"作文"的意思,而是指破產(chǎn)和解。
In addition, upon request of the Board and if the Liquidating Trustee determines that it would be imprudent to dispose of any non-cash assets of the Company, such assets may be distributed in kind to the Members in lieu of cash, proportionately to their right to receive cash distributions hereunder.另外,應董事會請求且如果清算托管人確定處理本公司非現(xiàn)金財產(chǎn)非明智之舉,該財產(chǎn)可按各成員根據(jù)合同項下收取現(xiàn)金份額的權利以實物形式替代現(xiàn)金進行分配。In kind 此處與in cash 相對,通常用于合資、合伙協(xié)議中表示"以實物出資",本句中是以實物分配清算。In lieu of 表示替代相當于基礎英語中的instead of。
The Buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before the date specified in Clause Three of this Sales Confirmation, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for losses sustained, if any.買方須于銷售確認書第三條所規(guī)定的日期之前開出本批交易的信用證。否則,售方有權不經(jīng)通知取消本確認書,或接受買方對本銷售確認書未履行的全部或一部分,或對因此遭受的損失提出索賠。Reserve為專用詞匯,我們常見的"版權所有"英語表達就是All rights reserved。Rescind(取消合同/協(xié)議)和lodge(提出索賠,與claim(s)連用)也都是專業(yè)用語。
In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of his investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right. 如一方欲出售或轉讓其所投資的部分或全部,另一方應有優(yōu)先購買權。Assign(其名詞形式assignment)和Preemptive屬專業(yè)用語。
2. 正式用語(Formal Terms)
At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment.應乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技術人員幫助乙方安裝設備。assist 較help 正式;
The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq.所有人員不得參加伊拉克國內(nèi)的任何政治活動。partake in 較take part in 正式;
The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel.雇主應該對有關人員給予正確技術指導。render 較give 正式;
Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou.甲方應將病人遣返中國并負責其返回廣州的旅費。repatriate 較send back 正式;
This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.本合同受中國法律管轄,并按中國法律解釋。construe 較explain, interpret 正式;in accordance with 較according to正式。
The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent.雇主認為承包人委派的授權代表不合格時,可以反對并要求立即撤換。require較ask正式;而且,require表示上對下的要求,ask沒有這么明確,它含有request和require之意,其中request表示下對上的要求,即"請求"公文體forthwith 較at once 正式;
The Chairperson may convene and preside an interim meeting based on a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors.董事長可以根據(jù)董事會過1/3董事的提議而召集主持臨時董事會議。Convene較hold正式,preside較be in charge of 正式,interim也是正式用詞較temporary正式。
In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished products.加工貿(mào)易中,廠方無論是對原料還是成品都無所有權。title 較ownership 正式。
The term "Effective date" means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto."生效期"指雙方合同簽字的日子。execute 較sign 正式;
The submission to and consent by the Engineer of such programs or the provision of such general descriptions or cash flow estimates shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.向工程師提交并同意的上述進度計劃或提供上述一般說明或現(xiàn)金流量估算,并不解除合同規(guī)定的承包人的任何義務或責任。Consent和estimate都是正式用詞;
The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as an integral part of this Contract. 整個合同期間,本合同附件應理解為合同不可分割的一部分。deem較consider正式。
The parties shall work together in order to endeavour to achieve the timely completion of the Project in accordance with the Project Schedule as Annex 4 according to which the construction period shall be _________years from the commencement date.雙方共同努力確保按附件四的工程進度表及時竣工,根據(jù)該工程進度表工期應從開工日起*年。Commencement較starting、beginning正式。
同、近義詞、相關詞并列(Parallel Synonyms, Parasynonyms and Associated)
This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.本協(xié)議由甲方與乙方簽訂。句中made與entered into同義,而by與between相關。
Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the following commodity under the terms and conditions set out below: 甲方同意按照下列條款向乙方購買如下商品:terms 和conditions同義,往往并列連用表示合同的條款。
Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order sort to collect any account on and after September 20. 自9月2O日起,甲方已無權接受任何定單或收據(jù)。On與after相關詞連用用以明確時間。
Any partner or his/her agent, may review any and all accounting or other records at anytime.任何合伙人或其代理人,可隨時審查任一或全部會計賬目或其他記錄。Any 與all 相關詞連用,表達更為嚴謹。
The decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties。該仲裁裁決為終局裁決,雙方均受其約束。Final和binding屬相關詞連用。
The Company hereby releases and discharges Party A from further performance of, and any duties, obligations or liabilities under, the amended Agreement.本公司特此解除甲方已修正協(xié)議的進一步履行及其修正協(xié)議下的義務和責任。Release和discharge相關詞連用,duty,obligation和liability屬近同義詞連用。
If the Contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations of the said Contract, this obligation shall be null or void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect.如果承包人切實履行并遵守上述合同的所有條款、條件及規(guī)定,此義務即告終止,否則將保持完全有效。句中terms, provisions, conditions,stipulations為一組同義詞,意為合同的條款及規(guī)定,null和void,be和remain,force和effect也都是同義連用。
Party B shall inspect the raw materials supplied by Party A forthwith upon receipt thereof.
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (簡稱UNIDROIT)
The Board of Directors (董事會)
The Acceptance Test Manual shall be the document prepared by A which will be used by A and the Purchaser FOR checking that the Equipment is in accordance with the specification and Approved Data.
本驗收實驗手冊系指由A提供的,供A與買方檢驗設備是否符合技術規(guī)格和認可資料的文件。句中的Acceptance Test Manual , Equipment, Approved Data均有特指含義。
Such Site Acceptance shall take place within a period of two weeks after the Effective Date to the Contract as such period may be extended pursuant to Article 6 hereof.
Party A and Party B shall make full endeavors to fulfill this Contract with the stipulated period. The schedule of various activities is attached at Appendix 4.
例如:This Contract is signed on a mutuality voluntary basis by and between the following Employer and Employee in accordance with "The Labour Law of The People''s Republic of China."
International Chamber of Commerce Term 2000(簡稱INCOTERMS 2000)
也稱International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 2000
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(簡稱CISG)
The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,1993 Revision ICC Publication No. 500
The Uniform Law on International Sale of Goods 《國際貨物買賣統(tǒng)一法》
The Uniform Law on the Formation OF Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
The Principles of International Commercial Contracts
Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US$600 (SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY). 聘方須每月付給受聘方美元600元整。SAY表示后接大寫,ONLY表示整
例如在英文合同的開頭往往有這樣的句子:This AGREEMENT … WITNESSES that WHEREAS … and WHEREAS … NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of it is hereby agreed as follows:
5.古體詞與外來詞(Archaic Words and Loan Words)
英文合同中迄今仍然使用一些古體詞語,最突出的形式是把here, there, where加上介詞而構成的復合副詞。如:hereby, hereto, hereunto, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereunder, thereof, thereto,whereby, whereas等等。Here+介詞一類往往可以套用介詞+this agreement來幫助理解。There/where+介詞就需要考慮上下文參照here+介詞的理解方法。具體的理解和運用將在第3章英文合同常用詞一節(jié)詳述。
基于民法法系對普通法系的影響,英文合同的外來詞主要是法語和拉丁語,有些外來詞已經(jīng)同化為英語,成為英語詞匯的一部分,還有一些保留下來,現(xiàn)在仍在使用。連Contract這個詞都是從拉丁語contractus演化來的呢。英文合同中常見的不可抗力條款用的Force Majeure也是拉丁語。具體例子如下:
The arbitration shall take place in the Plaintiff''s or Defendant''s country.仲裁應在原告或被告的國家進行。Plaintiff 和defendant原為法語,現(xiàn)在已同化為英語。
The provisions of Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 12 of the US Plan apply mutatis mutandis to the UK Scheme, save that if an amendment is made to the UK Scheme or to the terms of an Approved Stock Option at a time when the UK Scheme is approved by the Inland Revenue under Schedule 9, the approval will not thereafter have effect unless the Inland Revenue have approved the alteration or addition. 應用于英方方案的美方規(guī)劃的第6節(jié)和第12節(jié)的規(guī)定的已作必要的修正,除非對英方方案或已批準股票期權條款的修改時值根據(jù)附件9英方方案已獲批準,此后該批準不得生效,除非內(nèi)稅局已批準該改變或增補。mutatis mutandis為拉丁語,意為已作必要的修正。
An allowance on the basis of 2% of the sales price for each unit shall be calculated and deducted from the purchase price fraction pro rata. 補貼應按每單位售價的2%計算并從購價中按比例扣除。Pro rata 為拉丁語意為in proportion, according to a factor that can be calculated exactly.
We appoint and empower Mr./Ms. _____________ to be our agent ad litem in the first and second instances and/or retrial respectively, as well as in the enforcement procedures, with respect to the case of _______vs.__________.我方委托授權某先生/女士為某案一審,二審,再審和執(zhí)行程序的委托代理人。Ad litem為拉丁語"for the suit". Agent ad litem表示為訴訟代理人。
6. 助動詞的準確使用(Auxiliaries)
英文合同中,shall并非單純表示將來時,而常用來表示法律上可強制執(zhí)行的義務,具有約束力,宜譯為"應"、"應該"、"必須"; will無論語氣還是強制力要比shall弱,宜譯為"將"、"原"、"要";should通常只用來表示語氣較強的假設、比如"萬一"。多用"shall"代替"will"或"should"加強語氣和強制力。
This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed.
This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies.
Investment contributed by the parties is Renminbi __________, which will be the registered capital of the joint venture company. 各方認繳投資總額為人民幣***,將作為合資公司注冊資本。
May則時常用來表達當事人擁有的選擇性權利。如During the Option Period, the Purchaser may terminate this Agreement with a written notice to the Seller. 選擇期間,買方可書面通知賣方終止本協(xié)議。另看下例:
The parties hereto shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations. Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the People''s Court having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed contract or in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs.首先,合同雙方應通過友好協(xié)商解決合同產(chǎn)生與合同有關的爭議。如協(xié)商不成,所爭議合同缺少仲裁條款或爭議后未達成仲裁協(xié)議,則該爭議可提交到有管轄權的人民法院訴訟解決。
第三節(jié)句式結構特點(Sentence Structure)
1.句子冗長,結構嚴謹,語序復雜(prolixity, preciseness and perplexity )
The Company shall, at all time during the term of the Joint Venture, effect and maintain full and adequate insurance against loss or damage by fire and such risks as are customarily issued in connection with the operation of the Company.合資公司應在合資期間的任何時候,就火災以及此類與公司經(jīng)營相關的其他風險所造成的損失或損害進行投保,并保持充分和適當?shù)谋kU。
If, at any time during the execution of the Work, the Engineer requires the Contractor to make bore-holes or to carry out exploratory excavation, such requirement shall in accordance with Clause 51, be the subject of an instruction unless an item or a Provisional Sum in respect of such work is included in the Bill of Quantities.在工程施工過程中的任何時間內(nèi),如果工程師要求承包人鉆孔或進行勘探性開挖,則根據(jù)第51條規(guī)定以指示形式下達這一要求,但工程量報價表中已經(jīng)包括了涉及此類工作的項號或暫定金額者除外。
If, at any time during the execution of the Contract, either of the Parties to the contract is prevented from executing the Contract in case of Force Majeure such as war, serious fires, flood, typhoon and earthquake, etc., the time for execution of the Contract shall be extended for a period equal to the affect of those causes.在合同期間的任何時候,合同任一方,由于受到戰(zhàn)爭、嚴重火災、洪水、臺風和地震等不可抗力事件的影響而不能履行合同時,合同履行期應予延長,延長期限相當于事件影響的時間。
If, at the time and in the place agreed under Sub-Clause 37.3, the materials or plant are not ready for inspecting or testing or if, as a result of the inspection or testing referred to in this Clause, the Engineer
determines that the materials or plant are defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract, the Engineer may reject the materials or the plant and shall notify the Contract thereof immediately.如果在按第37.3條約定的時間和地點,供檢查和檢驗的材料或工程設備未準備好,或者按本條規(guī)定所作的檢查或檢驗結果,工程師認為材料或工程設備有缺陷或是不符合合同規(guī)定的,則工程師可拒收這些材料或工程設備,并應立即通知承包人。(本句較為復雜,有兩個條件從句,一個賓語從句)
A party dissatisfied with the judgment may, within 15 day upon receipt of the judgment, file an appeal to the next upper People’s Court.如不服本判決,該方可于接到判決之日起十五日內(nèi)向上一級法院提起上訴。
The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own arrangement for the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for their payment, housing, feeding and transport.除合同另有規(guī)定外,承包人應自行安排從當?shù)鼗蚱渌胤焦陀玫乃新殕T和勞務人員,以及他們的報酬、住房、膳食和交通。
2. 否定前置與倒裝(Negative Fronting and Anastrophe)
l Nothing in Article 12.3 shall prevent Party A or any of its affiliation from continuing to carry on any of their present businesses.合同第十二條第三款規(guī)定不得妨礙甲方或其分支機構持續(xù)經(jīng)營現(xiàn)有業(yè)務。
l Neither party, without prior consent of the other, may assign or transfer to nay third party any equity interests held by its side.未經(jīng)對方同意,任一方不得向任何第三人轉讓其持有的股權。
l In no event shall the Seller be liable for lost profits, delay, injury to goodwill or any special or consequential damages howsoever any of the same are caused.對于利潤損失、延誤、商譽損害或任何特別或間接的損害賠償,不論任何原因引起的,賣方概不承擔責任。
l In this case, Party B shall refund to Party A the amount which Party A has paid to Party B plus the related interest at the rate of 10% per year immediately, but in no case shall such refunding by Party B exceeds 30 days from receipt from Party A of the notice to terminate the contract.在此種情況下,乙方應立即返還甲方已支付給乙方的款項并按年利率10%加算利息,但不論怎樣乙方該返還不得超過收到甲方終止合同通知后30日。
3.被動語態(tài)(Passive Voice)
l Failure to notify Party A shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement.未能按上述要求通知甲方的,則視為構成實質違約。(作謂語)
l Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows:,按如下列明的條款,賣方同意出售,買方同意購買下述商品:(作后置定語)
l Therefore, Executive agrees that the Company shall be entitled to an injunction restraining Executive from any actual or threatened breach of paragraphs 7, 8 or 9 or to any other appropriate equitable remedy without any bond or other security being required.因此,董事同意本公司無需提供任何保證或其他擔保,有權發(fā)出申請禁令限制董事任何實際或危及違反7、8或9節(jié)的行為或獲得任何其他適當衡平救濟。(作狀語)
l The payment of all the expenses under this contract shall be made by M/T through Bank of China, Shenzhen Branch and the bank designated by Party B.所有合同項下的費用均應通過中國銀行深圳分行和乙方指定銀行進行支付。(作謂語和后置定語)
l Upon termination or dissolution of the Partnership,the partnership will be promptly liquidated, with all debts being paid first, prior to any distribution of the remaining funds.合伙企業(yè)一經(jīng)終止或解散,合伙企業(yè)立即清算,在分割剩余財產(chǎn)前,首先償還所有債務。(作謂語和狀語)
1. Such…as的用法
l The Engineer shall have authority to issue to the Contractor, from time to time, such supplementary Drawings and instructions as shall be necessary for the purpose of the proper and adequate execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein.工程師有權隨時向承包人發(fā)出合理和恰當施工、竣工及修補工程缺陷所必須的補充圖紙和指令。
l B shall provide such information and data as useful and necessary for the negotiation and appoint a person to cooperate with the representatives from C or New Company and the People''s Insurance Company of China in charge of the negotiation.乙方應向丙方或新公司和主管該談判的中國人民保險公司提供談判所需的有用資訊材料并指定人員與上述各方進行配合。
l The Employee shall also comply with such future Employer policies, rules, regulations, performance standards and manuals as may be published or amended from time to time. 受聘員工也應遵守可隨時公布或修改的聘用方今后的政策、守則、規(guī)定、行為規(guī)范和員工手冊。
l The Contractor shall provide the following personnel on the Site for the purpose of the execution and completion of the Works and remedying of any defects:
Only such technical assistants as are skilled and experienced in their respective callings (fields) and such formen and leading hands as are competent to give proper superintendence of the Works.
All material, Plant and Workmanship shall, from time to time, be subject to such tests and inspections as the Engineer may require at the place of manufacture, fabrication or preparation, or on the Site, or at such other place or places as may be specified in the Contract, or at all or any of such places.一切材料、工程設備和工藝應隨時按工程師可能提出的要求,在制造、裝配或準備地點,或在現(xiàn)場,或在合同規(guī)定的其他地點或若干地點,或在所有此類地點或其中任何地點進行檢驗。
由于合同具有預見性,其約定是希望未來發(fā)生、可能發(fā)生、應避免發(fā)生的事宜,所以英文合同中的時態(tài)多為一般將來時或一般現(xiàn)在時(從句中多見)。而且往往以“應當做(shall do)”、“可以做(may do)”、“必須做(must do)”、“不得做(may not/shall not)”等表達形式出現(xiàn)來說明當事人的權利、義務。參看第二章第二節(jié),在此不再贅述。也有基礎英語常見的will、will not、to do及do(用于強調(diào)語氣)的表達形式。絕少看到其他時態(tài)和表達方式。例如:
In case Party B becomes delinquent in the payment of any sum due hereunder, Party A will be entitled to suspend the performance until such delinquent is corrected, and initiate termination for cause in accordance with Section 10.2.乙方違約未按本協(xié)議規(guī)定按期支付的,甲方有權中止履行協(xié)議,直至該違約得以糾正,甲方還有權于協(xié)議第十條第二款規(guī)定的事由出現(xiàn)時終止本協(xié)議的執(zhí)行。(In case從句和until從句中一般現(xiàn)在時,主句用will do表一般將來時)
Licensee agrees that it will not during the term of this agreement, or thereafter, attack the title or any rights of Licensor in and to the Name or attack the validity of this license.受許可方同意在本協(xié)議期間及其后不以或對許可方名義侵害許可方的所有權或任何權利或侵害該許可的效力。(主句一般現(xiàn)在時,從句用will not表一般將來時的否定)
The above mentioned loss to be calculated from the 16th day after expiry of the free storage time at the port should be borne by the Buyer with the exception of Force Majeure.上述損失從到港卸貨倉儲期屆滿后第16天起算,由買方承擔,不可抗力除外。(to be calculated將來可能需要計算的)
In consideration of employment with the Company, I do hereby acknowledge the facts set out below and agree to be bound as follows:考慮到受聘于公司,本人由此認可以下列明事實并同意受其約束:(do強調(diào)鄭重的語氣可不翻譯出)
From time to time after Licensee has commenced selling the articles and upon Licensor’’s written request, Licensee shall furnish without cost to Licensor not more than additional random samples of each article being manufactured and sold by Licensee hereunder, together with any cartons, containers and packing and wrapping material used in connection therewith.受許可方開始銷售產(chǎn)品后,應許可方隨時書面要求,不對許可方產(chǎn)生任何附加費用,受許可方應向許可方提供根據(jù)本協(xié)議正在生產(chǎn)銷售的隨機樣品及其相關的紙箱、集裝箱和包裝材料。
第三章英文合同中常見的用詞及句型(Usual Wordings and Sentence Patterns)
I don't care what their intention was. I only want to know what the words mean. A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time in which it is used.
--Towne v. Eisner, 245 U.S.418, 425(1918)(Holmes, J.)
第一節(jié)合同常用詞(Usual Wording)(1)
一、英文合同常用虛詞(Usual Function Words)
1. Here/there/where+介詞構成的古體詞
基本規(guī)則:Here代表this,there代表that,where代表which或what即here/there/where+介詞=介詞+this/that/which or what
Hereby: by means of; by reason of this.特此,由此,茲等意。
例句:The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the undermentioned goods subject to the following conditions:買方向賣方訂購下列商品,條件如下:
Herein:in this。此中,于此。
例句:The minimum royalty herein specified shall be paid by Party B to Party A. 在此規(guī)定的最低特許權使用費應由乙方付給甲方。
Hereinafter: later in the same Contract. 以下,在下文。通常與to be referred to as, referred as, called 連用。
例句:This Agreement is made and concluded on ______, (date)____(year), by and between _____(hereinafter called Party A) on the one hand and _____(hereinafter called Party B) on the other hand. 本協(xié)議書于____年___月___日由_____(以下簡稱甲方)為一方,與_____(以下簡稱乙方)為另一方簽訂。
Hereof:of this。關于此點,在本文件中。
Hereunder:under this. 本文件規(guī)定。
例句:Both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicable negotiation.合同雙方就本合同規(guī)定交易任一條款的適用和解釋所產(chǎn)生的所有爭議同意力求通過友好協(xié)商予以解決。
Hereto:to this.本文件的。
Thereof:of that.它的,其。
Thereto:to that 與之,向那里。
例句:“Licensed Products” means the devices and products described in Schedule 1 annexed hereto together with all improvement and modification thereof or development with respect thereto. “特許產(chǎn)品”系指在本協(xié)議附件1中所述的裝置和產(chǎn)品,及其全部改進和修改的產(chǎn)品和與之相關的產(chǎn)品。
Herewith:with this.與此,附此。
Thereby:by that means.因此,由此,從而
例句:In any one or more of the provisions contained in this Contract or any document executed in connection herewith shall be invalid of un,enforceable in any respect under any applicable law, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected thereby. 如果根據(jù)現(xiàn)行法律,本合同及與此有關文件中有一項或多項條款被視為無效或不能履行,本合同其余條款的效力和履行將不因此受影響。
Thereafter: after that,afterwards. 此后
例句:The Contract for the contractual joint venture shall continue from a period of two years thereafter.本合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)合同,此后應持續(xù)有效兩年。
Therein: in that; in that particular context; in that respect.在那里;在那點上;在那方面。
例句:The Leased Premises are deemed to be fit for occupation when the building therein is substantially completed.當在那里的建筑物實質完成時,該租賃房屋才認為適合占有居住。
Therewith:with that.以此;此外。
例句:The Employer shall indemnify and save harmless the Contractor against and from the same and against and from all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising there out or in connection therewith.業(yè)主應賠償所有索賠、訴訟、損害賠償、支出、花費、費用,不論因本合同產(chǎn)生或與其相關,并保證承包人免于承擔上述責任。
Whereby: by the agreement, by the following terms and conditions, etc. 憑此協(xié)議,憑此條款等。
例句:This Agreement is made and concluded by and between AA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and BB Company (hereinafter referred to as Party B) whereby the Parties hereto agree to enter into the compensation trade under the terms and conditions set forth below: 本協(xié)議由AA公司(以下簡稱甲方)和BB公司(以下簡稱乙方)簽訂。雙方同意按下列條款進行補償貿(mào)易。(本句中省略未譯)
2. WITNESSETH, Whereas, Now Therefore, NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS, Know All Men by these presents,In witness Whereof, In Testimony Whereof, Undersigned.
WITHNESSETH, Whereas, Now Therefore用于英文合同前言部分,In witness Whereof用于合同結尾證明部分,在第二章篇章結構特點中已有涉及,恕不贅述。
In Testimony Whereof: in Witness Whereof.以此為證,特立此證。
例句:In Testimony Whereof we have hereto signed this Document on _____ (date) accepted on _____ (date).我方于__年__月__日簽署本文件,并于__年__月__日接受該文件,特此為證。
NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS: 茲特立約為據(jù), 本句話也是用于WHEREAS條款之后引出具體協(xié)議事項。
例句: NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows: 茲特立約為據(jù),并由訂約雙方協(xié)議如下:
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents:根據(jù)本文件,特此宣布。(通常用于前言部分)
例句:KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we_____(bank’s name)having our registered office at ______ (hereinafter called “the Bank”) will be bound unto _____(the Owner’s name)(hereinafter called “the Owner”) in the sum of ____ for payment well and truly to be made to the said Owner, the Bank will bind itself, its successors and better assignee by these presents.根據(jù)本文件,茲宣布,我行,(銀行名稱),其注冊地點在(以下簡稱本銀行)向(業(yè)主名稱)(以下簡稱本業(yè)主)立約擔保支付(金額數(shù))的保證金。本保證書對本銀行及其繼受人和受讓人均具有約束力。
例句:The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close the following transaction in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated as follows: 茲經(jīng)簽約的買賣雙方同意,按下列條款,達成這筆交易。
3. Notwithstanding: in spite of, despite. 即使,盡管。
例1:Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein, insurance coverage and limits shall be subject to approval of all the parties.即使有與本合同相悖的規(guī)定,保險范圍和責任限制應以合同各方同意為準。
例2: Notwithstanding Article 2.2, the parties may agree to extend the Expiration date to such date as is reasonable in the circumstances if any of the conditions precedent referred to in Article 2.1 is not satisfied or waived on or before the Expiration Date, any such agreement or waiver to be in writing. 盡管有本合同第二條第二款規(guī)定,如果上述第二條第一款規(guī)定的先決條件在合同期滿日之前既未實現(xiàn)又未放棄,合同各方亦可根據(jù)具體情況,約定合理延長合同的期滿日。
4. As 合同英語中as出現(xiàn)的頻率極高,而且用法靈活多變,是典型的自由人。在某種意義上講,as使用的熟練程度可以衡量合同英語的造詣。具體用法和含義見以下實例:
As 放在代表規(guī)定的provide,stipulate,set forth,prescribe等詞的過去分詞前,含義為“依照某某
例1:For purpose of this, Capital Account shall be adjusted hypothetically as provided for in Section 4.6 herein.基于此,應依照本合同第四條第六款調(diào)整資金賬戶。
例2:based on their respective Venture interests as set forth in Section 5.2 hereof. 基于本合同第五條第二款規(guī)定的各方在合資公司中的權益。
另有Except as otherwise provided結構,表示“除非本文/某條款另有規(guī)定”。
例句:Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices or demands sent by registered airmail shall be deemed received 8 days after they have been sent and notices or demands sent by telex shall be deemed received at the time of the dispatch thereof.除非本合同另有規(guī)定,所有通知和請求以航空掛號信寄出則發(fā)出后8日應視為送達收悉,以電傳方式發(fā)出則在發(fā)送時視為收悉。
As構成as the case may be(視具體情況而定), as the case may require(視具體要求而定)和as the Venturers may determine等短語。
例句:The Venture may relocate its office from time to time or have additional offices as the Venturers may determine.該合資公司視投資者決策,可隨時遷址或增添營業(yè)場所。
As構成as of the date of ____ (date) 短語是英語合同中表示“自某年某月某日起”最正式的表達。
例句:In witness whereof, the parties have caused this instrument to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. 合同雙方簽訂本文件,該文件自以上書就日期即時生效,特此為證。
As還用在as soon as practical短語中,意義用法相當于as soon as possible.
例句:During the Employment Period, the Company agrees that it shall recommend to the Board the election of the Employee as a Director of the Company on the Commencement Date or as soon as practical thereafter. 本公司同意在聘用期間,應自本協(xié)議開始或其后盡早的時間向董事會推選受聘方為本公司董事。
5. foregoing, aforesaid, the said, aforementioned, above-mentioned, in question
Foregoing, aforesaid, the said, aforementioned, above-mentioned一族,一般放在名詞前作限定,意為“前述的”或“上述的”,為避免重復已經(jīng)提到的姓名或名稱。
例1:The Bank shall give prompt written or telex notice to the Borrower of the Interest Rate in effect from time to time in accordance with the foregoing sentence.本銀行將根據(jù)前述的句子以書面或電傳形式隨時及時通知借款方生效的利率。
例2:The contract shall be written in Chinese and in ____________. Both language versions are equally authentic. In the event of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese version
shall prevail.本合同應以中文和_文書就,具同等法律效力。前述兩種文本如有歧異,以中文文本為準。
In question: under consideration; being talk about. 通常表示“在考慮或討論中的”某件事或某個問題,可譯為“這”或“該”問題。
例句:All prices to be paid by the Buyer under its obligations of the buyback/counter-purchase Contract shall be the world market prices taking into account the other delivery terms for the goods in question.買方根據(jù)返銷或回購貨物合同的義務所支付的價格應為世界市場價格,結合考慮該貨物的其他交貨條件。
6. follows, as below, the following
這一族都表示“下列”,一般放在動詞后,而the following作為“下列”在英文合同中用的較少。這樣的例子俯手皆是,恐怕每個英文合同都少不了的。
NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows;
NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as below.
Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:
7. according to, under, subject to, in accordance with, as per, as provided in, pursuant to, in compliance with
這一族都表示“依照,根據(jù)”合同的約定或者法律的規(guī)定。其中尤以“according to”最不正式,自然用的最少了,而“in accordance with”最為常見。
例如:In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic And Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission.如未能達成和解,該案件可提交中國國際貿(mào)易仲裁委員會根據(jù)該仲裁委員會頒布的仲裁程序暫行規(guī)定進行仲裁。
又如:A Photostat copy of the Acceptance Certificate of the Contract Plant signed by the representatives of both parties as per Chapter 9 of the present Contract.該合同設備的驗收證書的影印副本由雙方代表按照該合同第九章簽收。
再如:Both Parties shall each contribute their paid in capital in compliance with the items specified in the appendix to the Contract.合同雙方應按照本合同附件中載明的項目進行出資。
8. Including but not limited to與including, without limitation以及including by way of illustration
but not limitation
例如:The time for the performance of the Seller's obligations set forth in this Contract shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the duration of any nonperformance arising directly or indirectly from Force Majeure events including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, typhoon, natural catastrophe, and all other contingencies and circumstances whatsoever beyond the Seller's reasonable control preventing, hindering or interfering with the performance thereof. 本合同規(guī)定賣方履行義務的時間應自動延長等同于由于直接或間接由于不可抗力事件導致的不能履行的期間。不可抗力事件包括但不限于火災、洪水、地震、臺風、自然災害和賣方無論怎樣也無法合理控制的阻止、妨礙、干擾本合同履行的其他風險和情形。
9. prior to, no later than, on or before,on and after
常用在英文合同中限定日期,prior to表示“某日之前,提前多少日”。on or before, no(not) later than,表示“不遲于”,On and after表示“從某日起”。
例如:Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order sort to collect any account on and after September 20. 自9月2O日起,甲方已無權接受任何定單或收據(jù)。
例如:Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May 1.
例如: Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December.本合同簽字之日一個月內(nèi),即不遲于12月15日,你方須將貨物裝船。
例如:10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, the Buyer shall inform the Seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, ETA of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the Seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods.裝運前10天到15天,買方應以電報或電傳方式通知賣方合同編號、裝運船名,預計到達時間,裝載數(shù)量和承運代理商名稱,以便能使賣方直接聯(lián)系承運代理商安排貨物裝運。
例如: This credit expires till January 1 (inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing. (or:This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing.) 本證在北京議付,有效期至1月1日。如果不包括1月1日在內(nèi),則為till and not including January 1。
10. Without prejudice to
Without prejudice to,常用于英文合同中,表示在“不損害某規(guī)定/情況下”。
例如:The Buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the Buyer's right to claim compensations. 不妨害買方索賠權,買方仍有權取消合同的部分
11.Attributable to, due to, owing to, by virtue of, in view of, because of, on account of,considering, in consideration of
這一組短語出現(xiàn)在英文合同中都表示“因為”,其中due to,owing to,because of較不正式,很少使用。
例如:Should the Buyer be unable to arrange insurance in time owing to the Seller's failure to give the above-mentioned advice of shipment by cable or telex, the Seller shall be held responsible for any and all damages and/or losses attributable to such failure.
例如:Licensee hereby agrees that its every use of such name shall inure to the benefit of Licensor and that Licensee shall not at any time acquire any rights in such name by virtue of any use it may make of such name.
例如:Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods on arrival and, within _______
business days after delivery, buyer must give notice to seller of any claim for damages on account of condition, quality or grade of the goods, and buyer must specify the basis of the claim of buyer in detail.
例如:In view of the personal nature of the services to be performed under this Agreement by you, you cannot assign or transfer any of your obligations under this Agreement.
例如:Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual premises and covenants herein contained, it is hereby agreed: 茲以上述各點和契約所載條款為約因,訂約雙方協(xié)議如下:
In consideration of the payment to be made by Party A to Party B, Party B hereby covenants with Party A to complete the building in conformity with the provisions of the Contract.
12. In lieu of: 一般出現(xiàn)在英文合同中表示“替代”的意思相當于基礎英語中的in place of, instead of.
例句:In circumstance provided above in Clause 14.1, Party C or New Company shall, at its sole option and discretion, be entitled to transfer to Party B all or part of Party C or New Company’s proprietary rights and ownership of the infrastructure project, under construction or after Completion Date, as liquidated damages, in lieu of computing and compensating the actual damages provided that such transfer shall be conducted of Party C’s own free will or rendered in the arbitration award as stipulated in clause 23.
13. In respect of;in respect thereof;with respect to:as regards 涉及,至于,在…方面
英文合同中常用in respect of, in respect thereof或with respect to, 表示與本合同/協(xié)議/條款有關的問題,比about, concerning, as regards正式。
例如:Notwithstanding Clause 16.1, Party B shall not be entitled to claim for itself in respect of any Force Majeure in Clause 16.1.
例如:Upon the termination of the Existing Letter of Credit and the payment of all amounts (if any) owing in respect thereof, Bank Boston, N.A. shall cease to be an Issuing Bank hereunder.
例如:Party C or New Company shall retain all rights with respect to the specifications, plans, drawings and other documents and Party B undertakes not to disclose the same or divulge any information contained therein to any third country without the prior written consent of Party C or New Company.
此外,Pertaining to, pertaining thereto也表示“涉及,與。。。有關”。
例如:Broker is in the business of brokering real estate loans and engages sales representative to perform services pertaining to such business.
例如: Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US$600 (SAY SIX HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY). 聘方須每月付給受聘方美元600元整。
15. In favor of:in one’s favor 表示以。。。為受益人。
例如:One original and one copy of the irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by the Licensor's Bank for a sum of 10% of the total price for the technical know-how in favor of the Licensee.
又如:We hereby establish this irrevocable letter of credit in your favor for account of ABC Company in the amount of U. S. $ _______ (amount in words), available against your draft(s) drawn at sight on Credit Bank, N.A., Letter of Credit Department, Los Angeles, California, accompanied by your signed and dated statement as follows:
但注意in favor有時另有它義。
例如:Our goods that we offer you are much in favor in the European Continent.我方向你方報盤的貨物,在歐洲大陸頗受好評。(in favor此處表示受賞識,受好評)
16.In confirmation of 為確定。。。。。。起見
例如:In confirmation of such subordination, Tenant shall from time to time execute promptly any certificate that Owner may request.
二、英文合同常見實詞(Content Words)
1. Represent, warrant, undertake, guarantee
在英文合同中這幾個詞都表示“保證”的含義。Represent 往往和warrant連用,出現(xiàn)在合同的聲明保證部分:
例如:Both the Seller and the Purchaser warrant and represent that no broker was involved in negotiating this purchase and sale, and both the Seller and the Purchaser agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless against any and all claims for brokerage.
例如:Under FOB terms, the Seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel
nominated by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract.
例如:Party B guarantees that the machines and equipment are unused, sophisticated and of best quality, and that the machines and equipment are capable of manufacturing the steel wire rope.
2. Principal place of business (principal office), domicile, business premise, registered office
例如:This Contract made on April 1, 19- -, at ______, China, between ABC Co. with its principal office at ______, China (hereinafter called Party A), and XYZ Co. with its principal office at______, USA (hereinafter called Party B).
例如:If franchisee is declared in default of the agreement, the franchiser has the right to conclude the terms of the agreement and also has the right, without notice to execute any dutiful and authorized acts, on the business premise necessary.
例如:EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into on ________ day of _________ (month), ____ (year), by and between: _______ (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ____, with its registered office located at ________________, and ______ (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee"), an individual, with nationality of _________ (Passport No._____) residing at ________________.
例如: The Arbitration shall be conducted in the country of the domicile of the defendant.
3.Chapter, article, section, clause, paragraph, subparagraph
英文合同中的“章”、“條”、“款”、“項” 分別用chapter, article/section/clause, paragraph, subparagraph表示。
例如:The Borrower further irrevocably consents to service of process upon it out of said courts in any such action or proceeding by mailing copies thereof by United Stated registered air mail, postage prepaid, to the Borrower at the address specified in Section 10. 5 hereof.
4. Have the right to do, be entitled to, may do, reserve the right to do, be (duly) authorized to do, have the authority to do, do sth at one’s option or/and discretion, be liberty to do
這一組短語是都表示“有權做”。Be entitled to表示to give sb. the right to sth.(to sth.)體現(xiàn)該權利法律上的強制性。Reserve the right to do表示to have a specified power of right in law體現(xiàn)法律上規(guī)定的權利。而be authorized to do, have the authority to do指經(jīng)授權而有的權利,至于do sth. at one’s option or/and discretion則指行為人自主決定的權利。
例如:The Buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the Buyer's right to claim compensations.
例如:In circumstance provided above in Clause 14.1 C or New Company shall, at its sole option and discretion, be entitled to transfer to B all or part of C or New Company's proprietary rights and ownership of the infrastructure project, under construction or after Completion Date, as liquidated damages, in lieu of computing and compensating the actual damages provided that such transfer shall be conducted of C's own free will or rendered in the arbitration award as stipulated in clause 23.
又如:The Buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before the date specified in Clause 3 of this Sales Confirmation, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for losses sustained, if any.買方須于銷售確認書第三條所規(guī)定的日期之前開出本批交易的信用證。否則,售方有權不經(jīng)通知取消本確認書,或接受買方對本銷售確認書未履行的全部或一部分,或對因此遭受的損失提出索賠。
再如:The supervision personnel appointed by Party A and its representative shall have the authority to supervise the progress of work and give instruction.
5. Perform, fulfill, execute implement
英文合同表示合同履行時經(jīng)常用到這幾個詞,perform表示to do what one party is obliged to do by a contract泛指雙方履行合同的各項責任和義務,而fulfill表示to do everything which is promised in a
contract強調(diào)合同一方具體履行合同的義務。Execute implement表示則強調(diào)具體實施,execute也有簽約、生效的用法。
例如:With respect to the outstanding 180 M/T of low-density polyethylene NY2-11 under Contract No. 79hp-106, we insist that you must open the covering letter of credit the soonest possible to secure the performance of the contract. We hereby would like to call your attention to the fact that the Adviser Inc., who purchased LDPE NY2-11 from us at the same time as you did have fulfilled their commitment under the previous Contract not long after we offered our regulated price and signed a new contract covering substantial quality.
例如:Each of the parties to this Agreement shall use its reasonable best efforts to effect the transactions contemplated hereby and to fulfill and cause to be fulfilled the conditions to Closing under this Agreement including, without limitation, Parent using reasonable best efforts to obtain the Parent Stockholder Approval at the meeting of Parent''s stockholders scheduled to be held on June 25, 1999 or at any adjournment or postponement thereof (the "June 25 Meeting"). Each party hereto, at the reasonable request of another party hereto, shall execute and deliver such other instruments and do and perform such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable for effecting completely the consummation of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.
例如:All disputes arising in connection with this contract or in the execution thereof, should be settled amicably through negotiations.
例如:All expenses of keeping the books and records of the Company and the preparation of financial statements required to implement the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise needed for the conduct of the Company's business shall be borne by the Company.
6. Abide by, observe, obey, comply with
這幾個詞在英文合同中都表示“遵守,服從,”的意思。Comply with的主語通常是Sth.而observe和abide by則的主語通常是Sb.
例如:The delivered equipment shall be installed and tested by Party B and shall fully comply with the technical requirements and processing quality of the contract.
例如:The Contractor shall observe and abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations in connection with the Work.承包人必須遵守和服從與該工程有關的一切適用法律規(guī)章和條例。
7. have the legal obligation to do, be obliged to, shall do, be under the obligation to do,
be liable/responsible to do, be liable/responsible for,
在英文合同中這一組短語都表達“有責任、有義務”。Shall do sth.在第二章英文合同特點時,已經(jīng)述及,在此不再贅述。其他短語的用法,參看下例:
例1:The Company has no legal obligation, absolute or contingent, to any other Person to sell any material portion of the assets of the Company, to sell any material portion of the capital stock or other ownership interests of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, or to effect any merger, consolidation or other reorganization of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or to enter into any agreement with respect thereto.
例2:RCII is not under any legal obligation, whether written or oral, to do any of the foregoing. RCII公司沒有任何書面或口頭上的法律義務來做以上的任何一項。
例3: In the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the Seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.在危險或有毒貨物的情況下,賣方有義務照管確保其屬性安全且應在每一包裝上標注通常采用的標識。
Within the time as notified by the Buyer, after its arrival at the port of shipment the Seller shall be fully liable to the Buyer and responsible for all losses and expenses such as dead freight, demurrage. 在買方通知的時限內(nèi),抵達裝運港后,賣方應對買方承擔全部責任并對諸如空倉費、延滯費等所有損失和費用負責。
The Seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents.
8. effect
在基礎英語中,effect一般作名詞,指效果、影響,英文合同中如:come into effect表示生效,sth. in effect表示生效的法律文件。除了這些基本用法外,effect還常用作動詞表示“實現(xiàn)”、“完成”的意思。例如:
This contract shall come into effect on the date when it is signed by both parties.
The Buyer shall accept the bill of exchange immediately upon the first presentation of the bill of exchange and the required documents and shall effect the payment on the maturity date of the bill of exchange.
此外,當表達實際上,事實上的含義時,英文合同常用in effect, 而不是in fact.
9.Counterpart, copy, duplicate, original
在英文合同中,Counterpart, copy, duplicate, original 都用作表示合同一式幾份。Counterpart, copy和duplicate指副本,而original指的是正本,而且duplicate就有雙重雙份的意思,也常見in duplicate的用法,與此類似的還有in triplicate(一式三份), in quadruplicate(一式四份),in quintuplicate(一式五份),in sextuplicate (一式六份),in septuplicate(一式七份),in octuplicate (一式八份),in nonuplicate (一式九份),in decuplicate (一式十份)等等。
例如:This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts. Each counterpart shall be deemed an original, and all of the counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
例如:In case her age exceeds 15 years, the extra average insurance premium thus incurred shall be borne by the Seller.
例如:No costs incurred in the manufacture, sale, distribution or exploitation of the articles shall be deducted from any royalty payable by Licensee.
作為法律專用語,to-wit的意思為“即”,相當于基礎英語中的“that is to say(i.e.)”。
例如:WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of One Million Eleven Thousand One
Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,011,150.00) cash in hand paid by the party of the second part to the party of the first part and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of all of which are hereby acknowledged, the said party of the first part does hereby bargain, sell, grant and convey, in fee simple, with general warranty of title, unto the party of the second part, the following, to-wit:
12.Sanction, approval, examination
例如:The amendment of the contract or other appendices shall come into force only after a written agreement has been signed by Party A and Party B and approved by the original examination and approval authority.
例如:This sanction is lifted prospectively upon the filing of a proper registration.
例如:If Licensee is joined in such proceeding, Licensor shall indemnify and hold harmless Licensee from and against any claim, sanction, liability, damages, attorney's fees, judgments or orders of any kind arising out of such proceeding.
13.Do sth. in its entirety
英文合同中do sth. in its entirety相當于基礎英語中的do sth. totally或do sth. as a whole,表示完全徹底地做某事。
例如:The Aggregate Revolving Commitment (and the Revolving Commitment of each Bank) shall terminate in its entirety on April 15, 1998 unless the Closing Date shall have occurred on or prior to such date.聯(lián)合周轉協(xié)議(及各銀行的周轉協(xié)議)應在1998年4月15日完全終止,除非結算發(fā)生在當天或先于該日期。
14.encumbrance, mortgage, charge, pledge, security, lien, security
encumbrance: A liability or claim which burdens property, e.g., a lease, mortgage, easement, restrictive covenant, rentcharge…(Dictionary of Law, 6th edition, L.B.Curzon)指在財產(chǎn)上設定的債務或債權,如:租賃、抵押、地役、限制性契約,收租。試譯為他物權。
charge: …4. An encumbrance, e.g., on land, which secures payments for money…(Idem) 一種擔保物權,如:土地上設定的用于付款的擔保,保證。
例如:Seller warrants that the goods are now free, and that at the time of delivery shall be free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance.
例如:During the joint venture term of the Joint Venture Company, Without Party B’s written consent, Party A shall not create any option, right to acquire, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, or any other form of security or encumbrance on, over, or affecting the whole or any part of its equity interest in the Joint Venture Company.
15.Pertinent, relevant
例如:All activities of the Cooperative venture company shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
再如:In accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, ABC Company and XYZ Company, in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly set up a Cooperative venture in Beijing, the People's Republic of China.
16.Seek recourse to, resort to 在英文合同中都表示“求助于,訴諸于”的含義。
例如:The arbitration shall take place in Beijing and the decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision. Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.
又如:The exercise of a remedy does not waive the right of either party to resort to arbitration or reference. 任一方行使補救權利不放棄其訴諸仲裁或仲裁程序的權利。
第二節(jié)英語合同的常用句型(Sentence Patterns)
一、in the event that(短語為in the event of), in case(短語為in case of), providing(that), provided(that), on the conditions that, if(if and whenever), where, in so far as(insofar as), should, suppose/supposing(that)
在英文合同中,以上這些詞常用來引導條件從句表示“如果、假如”等情形,至于基礎英語中常用的“as long as”在英文合同非常鮮見。
如:In the event that the Contract Price or any other terms of the Contract changes after the issuance of the Letter of Credit (or Letter of Guarantee) the Owner shall arrange for such Letter to be amended accordingly as soon as possible after any such changes.如果在信用證(或保函)開出后,合同總價或合同其他條款發(fā)生變化,業(yè)主應盡快安排對信用證(或保函)進行相應的修改。
如:In case part of or all know-how of the above-mentioned technical contents have been published by Party B or Third Parties A obtains evidence of such publication, then Party A shall no longer be responsible for keeping secret and confidential the part already published.如上述專有技術的一部分或全部已由第三方公布,而甲方也掌握了已公布的證據(jù),則甲方不再承擔保密義務。
如:15% of the above contract price, e.g. US$21000 shall be paid by Party A to Party B by M/T within 30 days after Party A has received from Party B the following technical documentations and documents and providing that they are in conformity with the contract: 甲方從乙方處收到以下技術資料和文件后30天內(nèi)應信匯乙方上述合同總價的百分之十五,也就是兩萬一千美元,但該技術資料和文件應符合本合同要求。
如:Either party may at anytime replace the chairman, deputy chairman or director(s) it has appointed, provided that it gives written notice to the Joint Venture Company and the other party.任何一方可隨時更換自己委派的董事長、副董事長或董事,但必須書面通知合資公司和合資的另一方。需要注意的是,provided that通常語氣上有轉折的含義,不宜翻譯為“假如,如果”,譯為“但是”,則譯文過渡自然,符合漢語表達的規(guī)范。
Should the seller make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract with the exception of Force Majeure specified in Clause18 to this contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Seller agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation.如果賣方并非因本合同第18條規(guī)定的不可抗力事件而未按合同規(guī)定的期限交貨,那么,只要賣方同意支付罰金,并由付款行從議付款中扣除,買方便同意賣方延期交貨。
句中出現(xiàn)兩處條件從句,should引導的從句屬于非真實條件句,即虛擬語氣,表示該條件發(fā)生的可能性很小,也就是說是當事人不希望出現(xiàn)的不利情況。而on condition that引導的條件從句,往往表
Notwithstanding the completion of the sale and purchase of the __ ordinary shares in the Company, the terms and conditions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect as between the parties hereto in so far as the same are not fulfilled.即使買賣公司*股普通股已經(jīng)結束,只要該行為尚未履行完畢,本協(xié)議條款對雙方仍然完全有效。
In all cases where Licensee desires artwork involving articles which are the subject of this license to be executed, the cost of such artwork and the time for the production thereof shall be borne by Licensee.
As an example, suppose that Stamps.com has a partnership agreement with a company called "Internet Marketing". In this example, "Partner Name" would be "Internet Marketing".
試舉一例,如果Stamp.com公司與一家名叫Internet Marketing的公司有一合伙協(xié)議。本例中,該“合伙名稱就是“Internet Marketing”。
If and whenever the attorney at law designated by Party B comes to work with Party A, Party A shall offer all sufficient and necessary facilities, arrange the said legal counsel with an office, appoint a company officer to assist legal counsel with his function, provide relevant information and writ and print legal draft for such legal counsel.
相關鏈接:in no case, in no event, in the case of,in any case等
in no case和in no event表示“決不”即無論怎樣都不行。
例如:Vessel over 20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the Buyer.船齡超過20年的買方概不接受。
In the case of 就什么來說,關于,in any case 無論如何
例如:In the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the Seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.
二、Sth. is (shall remain) the property of sb., the title of sth. shall be vested in sb.
英語合同表示“某物所有權屬于某人”時,常用到這兩個句型。如果用the ownership of sth. belongs to sb.,或者sb owns/possesses sth.就不夠正式,而且possess只指目前屬于某人,并不能說明獲得的來源,而own只表示“對。。。。。的合法占有”。
如:Any drawings or technical documents interested for use in the Construction of the Plant or of part
thereof and submitted to the Seller by the Buyer prior or subsequent to formation of the Contract remain the exclusive property of the Buyer.本合同訂立前后由買方送交賣方用于建筑設備或其部分設備的圖紙或技術資料仍為買方的專有財產(chǎn)。
又如:Licensee hereby agrees that at the termination or expiration of this agreement Licensee will be deemed to have assigned, transferred and conveyed to Licensor any rights, equities, good will, titles or other rights in and to the Name which may have been obtained by Licensee or which may have vested in Licensee in pursuance of any endeavors covered hereby, and that Licensee will execute any instruments requested by Licensor to accomplish or confirm the foregoing.
三、It is + p. p(past participle過去分詞) + that clause
It is agreed that clause
如:It is mutually agreed that the certificate of quality and quantity of weight issued by the manufacturer shall be part of the document for payment with the adopted Letter of Credit. 雙方同意制造廠出具的質量、數(shù)量或重量檢驗證明書作為有關信用證項下付款的單據(jù)之一。
It is expressly agreed that Lessee will not, without obtaining prior written permission of Lessor, assert on its behalf, or on behalf of Lessor, any immunity from taxation based on the tax-exempt status, if any, of the Lessor.雙方明確同意承租人未經(jīng)出租人事先書面同意,不得自行或代表出租人基于出租人的免稅身份主張免稅。(如果出租人有該身份)
It is understood that clause
又如:It is strictly understood that the Sellers can not be held responsible for non-delivery of delayed delivery of the goods ordered if the situation is caused by Force Majeure, such as war, rebellion, fire, strike, new levies imposed by government, mistakes in telegrams, inability of, or refusal by the manufacturers to fulfill this Contract or any other causes beyond Seller’s control.嚴格明確賣方對于自己無法控制的不可抗力,如戰(zhàn)爭、叛亂、火災、火災、罷工、政府新征稅、電報錯誤、生產(chǎn)廠商無能力或拒絕按合同生產(chǎn)致使已定貨物不能發(fā)貨或遲延發(fā)貨概不負責。
It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organizations and/or Post Office are liable. 雙方明確賣方概不承擔屬保險公司、裝運公司或其他運輸機構、郵局責任范圍內(nèi)原因所造成已裝運貨物的瑕疵責任。
It is stressed that clause
再如:It is essentially stressed that the Buyers are requested to sign and return the duplicate of this Contract within 3 days from the date of receipt. In the event of failure to do this, the Sellers reserve the right to cancel the Contract.必須強調(diào):買方應于收到本合同之日起3天內(nèi)簽字并退還合同的副本,如買方不這樣做,賣方保留取消合同的權利。
四、Saving Clause
在英文合同中Saving Clause(除外條款, 但書條款)通常有Save that句型和Save as句型,表示“。。。。。。者例外”。
例如:The provisions of Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 12 of the US Plan apply mutatis mutandis to the UK Scheme, save that if an amendment is made to the UK Scheme or to the terms of an Approved Stock Option at a time when the UK Scheme is approved by the Inland Revenue under Schedule 9, the approval will not thereafter have effect unless the Inland Revenue have approved the alteration or addition.
再如:Save as expressly provided herein, this Agreement may be amended or terminated, and any of the terms hereof waived, only by a document in writing specifically referring to this Agreement and executed by the parties hereto or, in the case of a waiver, by the party waiving compliance.
例如:5.6 Legal Proceedings; Injunctions. (a) The Seller, the Buyer and the Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts (subject to the proviso in Section 5.6(b)) to cooperate with each other in connection with any claim, action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation with any other person which relates to the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder.
例如:Tenant shall not be required to join in any proceedings referred to in the proviso at the end of 4.6 hereof unless the provisions of any law, rule or regulation at the time in effect shall require that such proceedings be brought by or in the name of Tenant, in which event Tenant shall join and cooperate in such proceedings or permit the same to be brought in its name, but shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses in connection with any such proceedings, and Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for, and indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against, any and all costs or expenses which Tenant may reasonably pay, sustain or incur in connection with any such proceedings.
六、Upon sth ……
英文合同中表達一經(jīng)。。。。。,就。。。。。。含義時,不用基礎英語中的as soon as, 而用Upon sth., ……表達。
例如:Upon expiration of such term of contract, the contract shall automatically become void and null.
再如:Upon substantial completion of the infrastructure project, C may request to New Company or its representative that the infrastructure project has successfully completed its testing and that accordingly the Completion Date has occurred.
七、Unless otherwise 和except(as) otherwise
英文合同中表示“除非另有規(guī)定”時,常常用到這兩個句型,在句中的位置非常靈活,句首,句末或者句中都能看到他們的身影。后接stipulate, provide, require, state, specify等動詞或其過去分詞。
例如:On the Transfer Date New Company shall transfer to B, free from any lien or encumbrance created by New Company and without the payment of any compensation, all its right, title to and interest in the infrastructure project, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement or any supplementary agreement.
又如:The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing Party except otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Institute.
再如:Except as otherwise provided herein, all import permits and licenses and the import duties, customs fees and all taxes levied by any government authority other than the Seller's country shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer.
八、use all reasonable endeavors (efforts) to do sth., make full endeavors (efforts) to do sth.,exert one’s effort(s) to do sth./ exert oneself to do sth.
英文合同中表示“盡力做某事”時,常常用到這幾個句型,而不用基礎英語中try one’s best to do sth.等句型。
例如:Except as contemplated by this Agreement, from the date hereof through the Closing Date, Mattel shall cause each TLC Subsidiary to use commercially reasonable efforts to conduct its business in the ordinary coursein all material respects, and shall use commercially reasonable endeavors to preserve intact its business relationships, keep available the service of its employees and maintain satisfactory relationships with its suppliers and customers.
又如:However, both parties shall make efforts to get the ratification within 60 (sixty) days.
再如:Each of Quotesmith and IIS agrees to exert its commercially reasonable efforts so that IIS can begin providing instant quotes on QIM in as short a time as the capabilities and technologies of each party will allow.
還如:Promptly following the Effective Time, the shareholders of Tunes who are employed by JAMtv or Merger Sub shall exert their best efforts to cause all employees of Tunes and Merger Sub to execute in favor of Merger Sub proprietary rights agreements substantially similar to JAMtv's existing employee proprietary rights agreement.
生效時間后,被JAMtv公司或Merge Sub公司所聘的Tunes公司股東應立即竭盡全力促使Tunes公司和的所有員工執(zhí)行Merge Sub公司控股權協(xié)議,該協(xié)議實質上與JAMtv公司現(xiàn)有的員工控股權協(xié)議類似。
一種是完整的句子,以This Contract is made on____, 19____, by and between ABC Company Ltd. (hereinafter called Party A) and XYZ Company Ltd. (hereinafter called Party B).為代表。
另一種則是由名詞主語加動詞過去分詞構成的短語,以Agreement made this ___________day of ______________, between ___________(hereinafter called "Licensor"), and ________(hereinafter called Licensee"):為代表。
其中,made 后常用entered/concluded into等,用this后直接用日,或者用on后接方式較為靈活,但接日更為正式。而表達合同各方時還成對出現(xiàn)of /as one part(y), of/as the other part(y), 或是of/as one hand, of/as the other hand.而表示“以下簡稱”時通常用(hereinafter) called 或是hereinafter referred as to, 甚至有直接把簡稱寫到括號里的情形。
1. This Contract made on April 1, 19- -, at ______, China, between ABC Co. with its principal office at ______, China (hereinafter called Party A) , and XYZ Co. with its principal office at ______, USA (hereinafter called Party B). 本合同于19**年4月1日于中國***簽訂,合同雙方為ABC公司(以下簡稱甲方),其主營業(yè)地位于中國***,和XYZ公司(以下簡稱乙方),其主營業(yè)地為美國***。
2. This contract is signed on this ___(date) of____(year) in___ (place) by and between_______ (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and______ (hereinafter referred to as Party B).
3. AAA Corporation, Beijing, China (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as one party and_____________(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the other party agree to authorize their representatives to sign the present Contract under the following terms and conditions:
4. This contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers; Whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the undermentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below and overleaf:
前言的敘述(Recital)部分,往往由Whereas引導的句子(鑒于條款)后,再接NOW THERFORE……(最為常見)等結構。
1. Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:
2. Now therefore, the parties hereby agree as follows: 由此,雙方特約定如下:
3. Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, it is hereby agreed: 由此,以相互本協(xié)議包含的承諾為約因,雙方特此約定如下:
4. Now it is hereby agreed as follows: 特此約定如下:
6.It is understood and expressively agreed that:雙方確認并明確約定如下:
英文合同的該部分,通常表達“雙方簽字蓋章,特此為證”的含義。主要是由IN WITNESS WHERE OF 或者IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF 后接常用的句子。通常有如下形式:
1. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused their respective duly authorized representatives to execute the Agreement on the ______day of _______in the year of ________.
2. In witness whereof, the parties have caused this instrument to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written.
3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year set forth below.
4. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement at __________
(designate place of execution) the day and year first above written.
5. In testimony whereof, Assignor has caused this Assignment to be executed by its officer(s) thereunto duly authorized.
When signing a contract, it helps to remember "the big-type gives, and the small-type takes away."
-- Groucho Marx
第一節(jié)定義條款(Definition Clauses)
1. Shall be(construed as)結構:
例如:As used in this Agreement, any gender shall be construed as including all
other genders and the singular shall be construed as including the plural and the plural the singular, as the sense requires.
又如:"Acceptance Test Manual"
The Acceptance Test Manual shall be the document prepared by A which will be used by A and the Purchaser FOR checking that the Equipment is in accordance with the specification and Approved Data.
2. Shall mean或means結構:
例如:Know-how shall mean all the manufacturing technology and process engineering to manufacture the contract products which are required by Party A and which Party B possesses. Such technology engineering shall include technical details of all designs, operation drawings, technical documentations, manufacturing engineering, procedure and techniques.
又如:"Acceptance" means the acceptance by the Buyer of the Contract Plant which certifies the Supplier''s fulfillment of the Contract in respect of any Performance Test required thereunder in accordance with Article 25.3 (Acceptance) hereof.
3.Shall refer to
例如:Contract products shall refer to the SIO2 and ITO conductive coating glass products which are in conformity with the technical specifications and standards as specified in Appendix I of this contract, e.g. the products manufactured by Party A with the know-how and equipment supplied by Party B.
4. 此外,也偶有直接使用is/are的情形:
例如:"System Parts"
System Parts are those which are necessary to B in the performance of this Agreement and derived from Approved Data and shall include but not limited to those parts which are manufactured by B''s suppliers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, mutually agreed simulated and modified equipment used in lieu of the foregoing shall be deemed to be System Parts.
"MOFCOM" is the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of China.
第二節(jié)合同轉讓條款(Assignment Clauses)
合同的轉讓是指當事人的一方將合同權利和義務全部或部分轉讓給第三方(A party assigns, wholly or in part, its contractual rights and obligations to a third party)。第三方是合同的受讓人(assignee),合同的轉讓(assignment of contracts)不同于合同的變更(modification),它是合同主體的變化。
1. NO ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall transfer or assign any rights or delegate any obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, whether voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written consent of the other party. Any purported transfer, assignment or delegation by either party without the appropriate prior written approval shall be null and void and of no force or effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, without securing such prior consent, each party shall have the right to assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations to an Affiliate provided that such party continues to be liable for the performance of its obligations and either party shall have the right to assign this Agreement and the obligations hereunder to any successor of such party by way of merger or consolidation or the acquisition of substantially all of
the business and assets of the assignin,g party relating to the Agreement.
Neither party''s rights, duties or responsibilities under this Agreement may be assigned, delegated or otherwise transferred in any manner, without the prior written consent of the other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such consent shall be required in connection with the assignment, delegation or other transfer of any such rights, duties or responsibilities (a) by a party to any affiliate which directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with such party, where such control is by more than fifty percent (50%) of the relevant voting power, or (b) in connection with any transaction, regardless of its form, in which all or substantially all of the assets of Lycos are acquired.
3. The Contractor shall not assign the Contract or any part thereof, or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder without the prior written consent of the Employer.
4. This Agreement may not be assigned without prior notice by either party. Such assignment is subject to the mutual consent and approval of any such assignment.
第三節(jié)完整合同與修改(Entire Agreement/Modification to be in writing)
英文合同中的完整合同(entire agreement/complete agreement)條款是說明當事人關于本合同所約定的全部事項已經(jīng)悉數(shù)記載到合同中,其余本合同外的任何書面或口頭的約定概不作數(shù)。往往其后接有合同的修改方面的約定。
例如:Entire Agreement
This Agreement with Exhibits embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings relation to the subject matter hereof.
This agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties. It may not be changed orally. This agreement may be amended or modified only in writing that has been executed by both parties hereto.
例如:Entire Agreement; Amendments; Severability; General:
This Agreement, including all exhibits and schedules hereto, as amended from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, contains the entire agreement between the parties relative to the subject matters hereof. This Agreement or the Articles of Organization may only be amended or modified by a writing executed and delivered by Members owning not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Membership Interests, provided, however, that the provision in Paragraph 3.1 concerning appointment and election of Managers shall not be amended without the consent of the persons then entitled to serve as Managers. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby, and the intent of this Agreement shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. The designations of Members and Managers as used herein shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context.
The terms and conditions found within this Contract constitute the complete and final understanding of the Seller and the Buyer (hereinafter "the Parties") with respect to the commodity referred to herein. No modification, extension or release from any provision hereof shall be effective unless the same shall be confirmed in writing by the Party to be bound.
No provision of this Agreement or the Note may be amended, modified, supplemented, discharged or terminated, unless the Bank consents thereto in writing.
第四節(jié)保證與擔保條款(Indemnification and Warranty)
擔保條款(Warranty Clauses)往往是對諸如:品質、權利、履約等方面作出承諾,經(jīng)常是與聲明(Representative)、承諾(Covenant)一并出現(xiàn)使用。而保證條款(Indemnification/Hold harmless)其實是一種救濟的約定,即如果合同當事人外的第三人對合同某一方當事人提起關于本合同的訴訟或其他損害賠償請求時,所引起的責任及損失由合同另一方補償,實際上由該方當事人最終承擔了相關責任和損失。
The Seller warrants that all commodities will conform to the description set out in Clause 1. Save as aforesaid all representations, conditions and warranties of whatsoever nature are hereby excluded and extinguished.
Tripod hereby represents and warrants to Licensee that the Licensed Software will perform its function without interruption or failure by reason of the calendar year in which used, whether before, during or after the year 2000, or by reason of errors in date processing, date recognition or other date dependent functions, provided that all other products used in combination with the Licensed Software, including without limitation operating systems and other software, properly exchange data with the Licensed Software. In the event of any breach of the foregoing warranty, Tripod shall, as Licensee''s sole remedy, modify the Licensed Software so as to comply with the foregoing warranty
Tripod 公司在此向被許可方聲明擔保如果與其他產(chǎn)品結合使用(包括但不限于操作系統(tǒng)及其他軟件),正常地與所許可軟件交換信息,所許可軟件不會因在2000年期間或2000年前后的使用或因日期進程,日期辨識或其他日期相關功能的錯誤導致運行中斷或失靈。如果違反上述擔保,Tripod公司應修改所許可軟件以符合上述擔保,僅以此作為對被許可方的補救。
Lessee shall and does hereby agree to protect and save Lessor harmless against any and all losses or damage to equipment by fire, flood, explosion, tornado or theft and Lessee shall and does hereby assume all liability to any person whomsoever arising from the location, condition or use of equipment, and shall indemnify Lessor of and from all liability, claim and demand whatsoever arising from the location, condition, or use of equipment whether in operation or not, and growing out of any cause, and from every other liability, claim and demand whatsoever during the term of this Lease or arising while equipment is in the possession of Lessee. Lessee also agrees to promptly reimburse Lessor, in cash, for any and all personal property taxes levied against equipment and paid by Lessor.
The Company shall indemnify the Managers and Members to the fullest extent permitted or required by the Act, as amended from time to time. The Company may advance expenses incurred by the Managers or Members upon the approval of the Managers, provided such Manager or Member agrees to reimburse the Company unless it is finally determined that such Manager or Member is entitled to be indemnified by the Company against such expenses. The Company may also indemnify its employees and other agents to the fullest extent permitted by the law, provided that a Majority in Interest of the Members first approve such indemnification. The indemnification provided herein shall be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which a person seeking indemnification may otherwise be entitled, shall continue as to a person who ceases to be a Manager or Member, shall inure to the benefit of the estate, heirs, personal representatives or other successors of the indemnity, and shall not be deemed to create any rights for the benefit of any other person or entity.
第五節(jié)解除與終止條款(Rescission and Termination)
英文合同中對于合同履行的期間通常會約定解除和終止的條款,合同的解除(Rescission)與合同的終止(Termination)不同,合同解除是單方法律行為(one-sided act in law),由于主客觀情況的出現(xiàn),導致不可能或不必要履行合同時,當事人一方可根據(jù)法定或約定,通知另一方解除原合同法律關系。合同的終止是基于合同履行完畢、生效裁決或者合同當事人合意(meeting of minds)等法律事實,而導致合同法律關系歸于消滅。需要注意的是:合同的終止(termination)和合同的中止(suspension)的區(qū)別,前者是完結了合同法律關系,后者是合同履行的暫時停止。
相關鏈接《中華人民共和國合同法》第94條: 有下列情形之一的,當事人可以解除合同:(The parties may rescind the contract under any of following circumstances:
(一)因不可抗力致使不能實現(xiàn)合同目的;(If the objectives of the contract cannot be reached due to Force Majeure.)
(二)在履行期限屆滿之前,當事人一方明確表示或者以自己的行為表明不履行主要債務;(If a party, before the expiration of the performance term, expresses explicitly or implies by its action that it shall not perform its main debt obligations.)
(三)當事人一方遲延履行主要債務,經(jīng)催告后在合理期限內(nèi)仍未履行;(If a party has delayed
the performance of the main debts, and fails to perform them in a reasonable limit after being urged to do so.)
(四)當事人一方遲延履行債務或者有其他違約行為致使不能實現(xiàn)合同目的;(If the objectives of a contract cannot be reached because a party delays performing its debts or commits other actions in breach of the contract.
(五)法律規(guī)定的其他情形。(any other circumstances as provided for by law.)
If at any time after acceleration of the maturity of the Loans, the Borrower shall pay all arrears of interest and all payments on account of principal of the Loans and Reimbursement Obligations which shall have become due otherwise than by acceleration (with interest on principal and on overdue interest, at the rates specified in this Agreement) and all Events of Default and Potential Events of Default (other than nonpayment of principal of and accrued interest on the Loans due and payable solely by virtue of acceleration) shall be remedied or waived pursuant to Section 12.08, then by written notice to the Borrower, the Requisite Lenders may elect, in the sole discretion of such Requisite Lenders, to rescind and annul the acceleration and its consequences and thereupon shall release any deposit made pursuant to Section 10.02(b); provided, however, that no rescission shall occur after the earlier of 30 days after the date of acceleration or any Event of Default specified in paragraph (f) or (g) of Section10.01. No action pursuant to this paragraph (c) shall affect any subsequent Event of Default or Potential Event of Default or impair any right or remedy consequent thereon. The provisions of the preceding sentence are intended merely to bind the Lenders to a decision which may be made at the election of the Requisite Lenders; they are not intended to benefit the Borrower and do not give the Borrower the right to require the Lenders to rescind or annul any acceleration hereunder, even if the conditions set forth herein are met.
相關鏈接:《中華人民共和國合同法》91條:有下列情形之一的,合同的權利義務終止:(The rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated in any of the following circumstances:
(一)債務已經(jīng)按照約定履行;(Liability has all been performed according to the agreement by the parties.)
(二)合同解除;(the contract has been rescinded.)
(三)債務相互抵消;(Liabilities have mutually offset.)
(四)債務人依法將標的物提存;(The debtor has withdrawn and deposited the subject matter according to laws.)
(五)債權人免除債務;(The creditor has remitted liabilities.)
(六)債權債務同歸于一人;(Both the creditor''s rights and the debtor''s liabilities are undertaken by one same person; or)
(七)法律規(guī)定或者當事人約定終止的其他情形。(Other circumstances as provided for by law or stipulated by the parties.)
例句:In case of inability to fulfil the contract or to continue operation due to heavy losses in successive years as a result of force majeure, the duration of the cooperative venture and the contract shall be terminated before the time of expiration after being unanimously agreed upon by the board of directors and approved by the original examination and approval authority.
With the unanimous agreement of the Board of Directors and approval of the original inspection department, the Joint Venture can be terminated prior to the original term or the contract be terminated in advance if the Joint Venture suffers losses in consecutive years and is incapable of going on with the business for certain reasons.
第六節(jié)違約條款(Default Clauses)
英文合同的違約條款(Default Clauses/Breach of contract),也就是對于合同履行過程中,違約方(Defaulting Party)對受害方(Damaged Party)的救濟。通常分為如下幾種:
相關鏈接:《中華人民共和國合同法》第107條:當事人一方不履行合同義務或者履行合同義務不符合約定的,應當承擔繼續(xù)履行、采取補救措施或者賠償損失等違約責任。(Either party that fails to perform its obligations under the contract or fails to perform them as contracted shall be bear the liability for the breach of contract by continuing to perform the obligations, taking remedial measures, compensating for losses)
1. 賠償損失(Compensation for damages)
With the exception of late delivery or non-delivery due to "Force Majeure" causes, if the Seller fails to make delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms and conditions, jointly or severally, of this Contract, the Seller shall be liable to the Buyer and indemnify the Buyer for all losses, damages, including but not limited to, purchase price and/or purchase price differentials, deadfreight, demurrage, and all consequential direct or indirect losses. The Buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the Buyer's right to claim compensations.
相關鏈接:《中華人民共和國合同法》第113條:當事人一方不履行合同義務或者履行合同義務不符合約定,給對方造成損失的,損失賠償額應當相當于因違約所造成的損失,包括合同履行后可以獲得的利益,但不得超過違反合同一方訂立合同時預見到或者應當預見到的因違反合同可能造成的損失。(If either party fails to perform its obligations under the contract or does not perform its obligations as contracted and thus causes losses to the other party, the amount of compensation for the loss shall be equivalent to the loss actually caused by the breach of contract and shall include the profit obtained after the performance of the contract, but shall not exceed the sum of the loss that might be caused by a breach of contract and has been anticipated or ought to be anticipated by the breaching party in the making of the contract.
《中華人民共和國合同法》第119條:當事人一方違約后,對方應當采取適當措施防止損失的擴大;沒有采取適當措施致使損失擴大的,不得就擴大的損失要求賠償。(After either party breaches the contract, the other party shall take appropriate measures to prevent the increase of the loss; the party that fails to take appropriate preventive measures and thus aggravates the loss may not claim compensation for the increased part of the loss.)
當事人因防止損失擴大而支出的合理費用,由違約方承擔。(The reasonable expenses incurred by the other party in preventing the aggravation of the loss shall be borne by the breaching party.)
2. 違約金(Default Penalty)
違約金可分為法定違約金(Legal Penalty)和約定違約金(Contractual Penalty)。Penalty(違約金)與Damages(損害賠償金)的關系,如果合同中沒有明確約定Liquidated Damages, 那么,Penalty(Legal)通常就是1中的損害賠償一種Unliquidated damages。
當約定了Liquidated Damages 作為Penalty(contractual),則可能該違約金的金額可能大于受害方實際的損失,即1中的compensation。
In circumstance provided above in Clause 14.1 C or New Company shall, at its sole option and discretion, be entitled to transfer to B all or part of C or New Company's proprietary rights and ownership of the infrastructure project, under construction or after Completion Date, as liquidated damages, in lieu of computing and compensating the actual damages provided that such transfer shall be conducted of C's own free will or rendered in the arbitration award as stipulated in clause 23. However, any transfer shall be subject to the confirmation and approval of the People's Insurance Company of China and the lending bank.
相關鏈接:《中華人民共和國合同法》第114條:當事人可以約定一方違約時應當根據(jù)違約情況向對方支付一定數(shù)額的違約金,也可以約定因違約產(chǎn)生的損失賠償額的計算方法。(The parties may stipulate that in case of breach of contract by either party a certain amount of penalty shall be paid to the other party according to the seriousness of the breach, and may also stipulate the method for calculating the sum of compensation for losses caused by the breach of contract.)
約定的違約金低于造成的損失的,當事人可以請求人民法院或者仲裁機構予以增加;約定的違約金過分高于造成的損失的,當事人可以請求人民法院或者仲裁機構予以適當減少。(If the stipulated penalty for breach of contract is lower than the loss caused by the breach, the party concerned may apply to a people''s court or an arbitration institution for an increase. If the stipulated penalty for breach of contract is excessively higher than the loss caused by the breach, the party concerned may apply to a people''s court or an arbitration institution for an appropriate reduction.)
當事人就遲延履行約定違約金的,違約方支付違約金后,還應當履行債務。(If the parties agree upon a penalty for the breach of contract by a delayed fulfillment, the breaching party shall, after paying
the penalty for breach of contract, perform its obligations notwithstanding.)
3. 補救措施(Remedial Measures)
Subject to special provisions explicitly of this Agreement thereunder, the other party shall be entitled to notify the party in default by registered letter; Unless satisfactory remedial measures are take within a period of two (2) weeks, the party demanding remedy shall be entitled to claim compensation for losses and damages.
4. 繼續(xù)履行(Continuing to perform obligations)
The payment of any penalty by Party B according to 8.6 shall not release the obligation of Party B to continue the delivery of the technical documentations.
5. 解除終止權(Right of Termination and Rescission)
第七節(jié)爭議解決條款(Dispute Resolution)
相關鏈接:《中華人民共和國合同法》128條:當事人可以通過和解或者調(diào)解解決合同爭議。(The parties may settle contract disputes through consultation or mediation.)
當事人不愿和解、調(diào)解或者和解、調(diào)解不成的,可以根據(jù)仲裁協(xié)議向仲裁機構申請仲裁。涉外合同的當事人可以根據(jù)仲裁協(xié)議向中國仲裁機構或者其他仲裁機構申請仲裁。當事人沒有訂立仲裁協(xié)議或者仲裁協(xié)議無效的,可以向人民法院起訴。當事人應當履行發(fā)生法律效力的判決、仲裁裁決、調(diào)解書;拒不履行的,對方可以請求人民法院執(zhí)行。(If the parties are unwilling to resort to consultation or mediation, or such consultation or mediation fails, the parties may apply to an arbitration institution for arbitration according to the arbitration agreement. The parties to a foreign-related contract may, according to the arbitration agreement, apply to a Chinese arbitration institution or any other arbitration institution for arbitration. If the parties have no arbitration agreement or the arbitration agreement is invalid, they may initiate an action in a people’s court. The parties shall implement any legally effective judgment, arbitral
award or letter of mediation; in case of a refusal to implement, the other party may apply to a people’s court for execution.)
The Borrower hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relation to this Agreement or the Note brought in the courts of the State of California or the United States District Court for the Northern District of California and hereby further irrevocably waives any claim that any such suit, action or proceeding brought in any such court as been brought in an inconvenient forum.
All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution there of shall be settled through friendly negotiations.
In case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case should then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing, in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitration so all take place in Beijing and the decision rendered by the said Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part.
3.Dispute Resolution
20.1 Throughout the term of this Agreement representatives of the parties shall meet regularly at not less than semi-yearly intervals to discuss the progress of the Project and the operation of the infrastructure project in order to ensure that the arrangement between the parties hereto proceeds on a mutually satisfactory basis.
20.2 The parties hereto agree that in the event that there is any dispute or difference between them arising out of this Agreement or in the interpretation of any of the provisions hereof they shall endeavour to meet in an effort to resolve such dispute by discussion between them but failing such resolution the representatives of parties shall meet to resolve such dispute or difference and the joint decision by them shall be
binding upon the parties hereto and in the event that a settlement of any such dispute or difference is not reached pursuant to this Clause then provisions of Clause 23 shall apply.
20.3 In the event any dispute should arise between the parties as to any technical matter in regard to the construction or operation of the infrastructure project, design and production standards shall be provided and the case shall forthwith be referred to the expert chosen by agreement of both parties. Subject to arbitration, as hereinafter provided, such decision shall be final and binding upon the parties. If the expert fails to render his decision within such_________ days or if either of the parties is dissatisfied with any such decision, the party may, within ______days after the expiration of the first-named period of _______days or after receiving notice of such decision, as the case may be, refer the dispute to arbitration as provided in Clause 23.
Governing Law
This Agreement, the Note and the right and the obligations of the parties hereunder and thereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
The Borrower hereby agrees that any legal action or proceeding with respect to this Agreement, the Note of the other documents contemplated hereby or referred to herein and any action or proceeding to execute or otherwise enforce any judgment obtained against if for breach thereof, may be instituted in the courts of the State of California or in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California or in any court in [Name of Country] or elsewhere, as the Bank may elect, and by execution and delivery of this Agreement the Borrower irrevocably and unconditionally submits to each such jurisdiction.
第八節(jié)不可抗力條款(Force Majeure)
相關鏈接:《中華人民共和國合同法》第117條: 因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根據(jù)不可抗力的影響,部分或者全部免除責任,但法律另有規(guī)定的除外。當事人遲延履行后發(fā)生不可抗力的,不能免除責任。(If a contract cannot be fulfilled due to force Majeure, the obligations may be exempted in whole or in part depending on the impact of the force Majeure, unless laws provide otherwise. If the force Majeure occurs after a delayed fulfillment, the obligations of the party concerned may not be exempted.
本法所稱不可抗力,是指不能預見、不能避免并不能克服的客觀情況。(Force Majeure as used herein means objective circumstances which cannot be foreseen, avoided or overcome.
《中華人民共和國合同法》第118條: 當事人一方因不可抗力不能履行合同的,應當及時通知對方,以減輕可能給對方造成的損失,并應當在合理期限內(nèi)提供證明。(Either party that is unable to fulfill the contract due to force Majeure shall notify the other party in time in order to reduce losses possibly inflicted to the other party, and shall provide evidence thereof within a reasonable period of time.)
、《聯(lián)合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》有關內(nèi)容;A party is not liable for a failure to perform any of his obligations if he proves that the failure was due to an impediment beyond his control and that he could not reasonably be expected to have taken the impediment into account at the time of the conclusion of the contract or to have avoided or overcome it or its consequences. (如果當事人一方能證明,其不履行合同義務是由于某種非他所能控制的障礙,而且對于這種障礙,在訂立合同時無法合理預期能考慮到或能避免或克服它或它的后果,則該當事人不負責任。)
例如:Force Majeure
12.1 Force majeure shall refer to war, flood, fire, typhoon, earthquake and other accidents that both parties mutually agree as force majeure.
12. 2 In case of force majeure, the affected party shall notify by telex or cable the other party of the accident as soon as possible and send by registered air-mail to the other party the evidence issued by the local government within 14 days from the accident.
12. 3 If the implementation is affected by force majeure and the accident lasts for more than 20 days, both
parties shall hold friendly discussions as soon as possible with regard to the further implementation of the contract.
Force Majeure:
Neither the Seller or the Buyer shall be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery owing to generally recognized "Force Majeure" causes. However in such a case, the Seller shall immediately advise by cable or telex the Buyer of the accident and airmail to the Buyer within 15 days after the accident, a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authority or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. If the said "Force Majeure" cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the whole or the undelivered part of the order for the goods as stipulated in Contract.
All notices, demands, requests, statements or other communications to be made or given by the Borrower hereunder shall be in the English language. Any documents other than financial statements required to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement which are not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation thereof and in the event of any conflict between the original of the document and the English language translation thereof, the English language translation shall for all purposes be deemed to be the correct and controlling version.
Headings, Etc.
The headings of the various sections and subsections hereof are for convenience of reference only, do not constitute a part hereof and shall not affect the nearing or construction of any provision hereof.
Each section, part, term, and provision of this agreement shall be considered severable. If, for any reason, any section, part, term, or provision of this agreement is determined to be invalid and contrary to, or in conflict with, any existing or future law or regulation of a court or agency having valid jurisdiction, such determination shall not impair the operation or affect the remaining portions, sections, parts, terms, or provisions of this agreement, and the latter will continue to be given full force and effect and bind the parties to this agreement. The invalid section, part, term, or provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this agreement.
All notices required or permitted by this agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficient where sent by certified mail to the receiving party at the address set forth above or at such other address as that party may have designated in writing.
No Waiver
No waiver of any term, provision or condition of this Agreement, the breach or default thereof, shall be deemed to be either a continuing waiver or a waiver of a subsequent breach or default of any such term, provision or condition of this Agreement.
第五章英文合同特殊條款(Special Clauses)
Dig a well before you are thirsty.
--Chinese Proverb
基于商業(yè)秘密的保護,英文合同中往往特別注重保密條款的規(guī)定。廣義上講包含兩方面的內(nèi)容;不泄露(to keep the disclosed information confidential)和不濫用(not to use the disclosed information other than in connection with the agreement)。
The CVC acknowledges and agrees that the Technology it will receive from Party B during the term of this Contract shall be kept secret and confidential.
The CVC agrees that it and all of its employees and personnel shall use the Technology only for the purposes specified in this Contract and shall not disclose in any way whatsoever any of the Technology to any third Party or Parties without the prior written consent of Party B. Such confidentiality shall be maintained during the terms of this Contract and for a period of _______ ( ) years after the termination of this contract.
l) China Corporation and the Personnel shall keep confidential to any third party all documents and information related to the Works during the execution of this CONTRACT.
2) The Employer and its staff shall keep confidential to any third party all documents and price of manpower supplied by China Corporation as stipulated in this CONTRACT during the execution of this CONTRACT.
To be covered by Party A for 110% of the invoice value, covering W. A. and War Risk.
Covering All Risks for 110% of the invoice value as per Insurance: Policy of People's Insurance Company of China (P.I.C.C.)
To be affected by the Buyer.
In further consideration of employment, the Employee shall not engage in a business in any manner similar to, or in competition with, the Company's or the Company's affiliated businesses during the term of his or her employment. Furthermore, the Employee shall not engage in a business in any manner similar to or in competition with the Company's business for a period of _________ (___) years from the date of termination of his or her employment with the Company in the geographical area within a ____________ (____) mile radius of any present or future office opened by the Company during the term of employment and the geographical area within a _________ (____) mile radius of the Employee's home address.
第四節(jié)不形成聘用等關系條款(No Constitution of Employment, etc.)
例1:Both parties agree that sales representative is an independent contractor and not an employee of the broker.
14.1 This agreement does not constitute Franchisee an agent, legal representative, joint venturer, partner, or employee of Franchiser for any purpose.
14.2 Franchisee shall be an independent contractor and is in no way authorized to make a contract, agreement, warranty, or representation on behalf of Franchiser or to create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of Franchiser.
14.3 The parties agree that this agreement does not create a fiduciary relationship between Franchiser and Franchisee.
第五節(jié)所有權和風險條款(Risk of loss and title)
例1:Retention of title
If the parties have validly agreed on retention of title, the goods shall remain the property of the Seller until the complete payment of the price, or as otherwise agreed.
例2:Seller hereby assumes all risk of loss, damage or destruction resulting from fire or other casualty to the time of transfer of assets and Closing.
第六章英文合同導讀范例(Model Contract for Reading Guidance)
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.
--G..B.Shaw, Man and Superman
從主料、輔料、作料用料各個方面層層揭開英文合同的神秘面紗后,擺在我們面前的儼然就是一道令人垂涎欲低,色香味俱佳的絕美西餐。各位看官大概也禁不住躍躍欲試,想要品味一下吧。那么如何品味英文合同這道西餐呢?下面在給出樣菜(導讀范例)前,我們來簡單介紹一下品味的方法,也就是閱讀英文合同的一些基本技巧,當然,要想充分領略個中滋味,就必須Practice make perfect(熟能生巧),多多品嘗,自然就能深得其味,成為美食家了。
(合同名稱) 經(jīng)銷協(xié)議
THIS DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made on this day of 200, between ABC INC., a Florida Corporation (the "Company") located at XXX, Florida 32114 and _________________ (the "Distributor") located at _______, Beijing.
本經(jīng)銷協(xié)議(以下簡稱"協(xié)議") ,系由ABC公司,位于佛羅里達州某地的公司(以下簡稱本公司)與_______________(以下簡稱"經(jīng)銷商") 位于北京某地的公司于200*年*月*日簽訂。
WHEREAS, the Company is the exclusive worldwide distributor of cosmetic and skin care products (collectively the "BBB Product or Products") manufactured by BBB INTERNATIONAL, INC. a Florida Corporation; and
鑒于本公司是BBB化妝品的全球獨家的經(jīng)銷商,所代理的護膚品均由佛羅里達BBB國際公司制造(以下稱"BB產(chǎn)品") 。
WHEREAS, the Company desires to increase the public''s consumption of the BBB Products specified herein within the geographic area described in Exhibit A (the "Territory"); and
WHEREAS, the Distributor desires to secure the right to market the aforementioned Products in the Territory and such additional territories as may be agreed upon in writing between the Company and Distributor.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual promises set forth herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
(過渡段,按英美法傳統(tǒng)說明當事人基于對價(valuable consideration)達成合意,約定如下,引出正文條款)
Section 1.1 Appointment. The Company agrees to sell and the Distributor agrees to buy Products on the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. The Distributor agrees to sell, distribute and promote the sale of Products throughout the Territory on the terms and conditions contained in this agreement.
Section 1.2 Territory. Except as provided in Section 11.4 hereunder, the Company agrees not to deliver the Products to any person other than Distributor within the portion of the Territory, provided, however, that the Company shall have the right to ocean-going vessels and to ship Products through or deliver Products within the Exclusive Territory if it knows or reasonably believes that substantially all of such Products are to be reshipped for eventual delivery outside the Territory. Without the prior written consent of the Company, which in the Company''s sole and absolute discretion may be withheld, Distributor hereby covenants and agrees that it shall not: (i) sell, ship or deliver the Products to or in any place or geographic area located outside the Territory; or (ii) sell Products to any purchaser if Distributor knows or has reason to believe that more than 20% of such Products will eventually be sold through retail outlets located outside the Territory. In the event that sales of Products are made by a distributor in another area and a substantial portion of such Products are shipped by customers of such Distributor into the Territory, or in the event sales of Products are made within the Territory by Distributor and a substantial portion of such Products are shipped by customers into an area outside the Territory in which another distributor has sales rights, (whether or not such shipments take place as the result of a breach hereof), then the Company shall have the right in its discretion (in addition to any other rights and remedies) to make an equitable apportionment of the adjusted gross profits from such sales between the Distributor and any other distributors of the Products purchasing directly from the Company involved in such dispute. Any such
apportionment in adjusted gross profits may be determined by the Company acting in its sole discretion exercised in good faith, taking into account such factors as sales effort and expenses in securing the customer''s business, the level of advertising and promotion by the distributor into whose territory the Products are shipped, and the likelihood that the cross-shipments have reduced sales which otherwise would have been made in the territory into which the goods have been shipped. Adjusted gross profits, as used herein, shall mean sales prices, less (I) cost of goods sold, (ii) direct freight, and (iii) direct selling cost.
除本協(xié)議第11.4規(guī)定外, 本公司對經(jīng)銷商所簽訂的區(qū)域實行區(qū)域內(nèi)銷售保護,不能在區(qū)域內(nèi)將產(chǎn)品提供給其他人, 但如果本公司知道或者有理由確信,實際上這些產(chǎn)品將最終轉運到保護區(qū)域外地區(qū),則有權在本保護區(qū)域運送本產(chǎn)品。未經(jīng)本公司的書面同意,本公司有權隨時收回該同意,經(jīng)銷商承諾保證同意不得有如下行為:(1)不在/到任何非經(jīng)銷商區(qū)域內(nèi)進行銷售、裝運、交付本產(chǎn)品;(2)經(jīng)銷商知道或應當知道,20%以上的本產(chǎn)品將最終通過區(qū)域外的零售店銷售出去,則不得出售給該買方。如果,另一個區(qū)域的經(jīng)銷商竄貨到本區(qū)域或該經(jīng)銷商客戶大部分貨物竄貨到本區(qū)域以及本區(qū)域內(nèi)經(jīng)銷商竄貨或其客戶竄貨到別的區(qū)域,(無論裝運是否構成違約的后果),本公司有權(除了任何其他權利和救濟),在直接從本公司購買產(chǎn)品的涉及糾紛的經(jīng)銷商之間調(diào)整毛利作出公平分配以避免矛盾。本公司將根據(jù)誠實信用的原則獨自裁量,考慮經(jīng)銷商的銷售業(yè)績、業(yè)務花費、廣告促銷水平以及因為竄貨而引起的銷售額減少程度等因素來調(diào)整這一合理的區(qū)域利潤分配。調(diào)整毛利潤意味著調(diào)整銷售價格,減少(1)銷售成本,(2)直接運費,(3) 直接銷售費用。
BBB has no interest in supplying accounts in Distributor''s respective territory and will strongly discourage accounts from electing to be supplied directly thru BBB corporate. However, in some rare instances, an existing or new account may elect to be supplied directly by BBB corporate, i.e., an international hotel chain or spa chain. In these rare instances, Distributor would be immediately notified by corporate of any such activity in their respective territory. In this case, Distributor would then be awarded a 20% commission on all sales generated from BBB retail and professional products on placed orders from said BBB corporate account. In exchange for this commission, Distributor would be required to train, educate and support said account. However, BBB corporate would be solely responsible for advertising and co-op advertising incentives, spa menu design package and event sampling opportunities, etc.
BBB公司不會給經(jīng)銷商在各自經(jīng)銷區(qū)域提供的賬戶,并強烈反對直接提供通過BBB公司選用帳戶。然而,在一些特殊情況下,BBB公司也可直接提供賬戶,如國際賓館或者水療連鎖。在這些特殊情況下,公司會立刻告知各自區(qū)域的經(jīng)銷商該活動。在這種情況下,經(jīng)銷商會獲得來自從BBB公司在該帳戶所產(chǎn)生的BBB零售和專業(yè)產(chǎn)品銷售額的20%提成。作為提成的交換,經(jīng)銷商需要培訓、訓練和支持該帳戶。但是,BBB 公司會獨自負責進行廣告運作和合作廣告激勵、Spa項目設計包裝和事件抽樣機會等。
In the event Distributor elects to refrain from training, educating and supporting said corporate account, Distributor would be awarded a monthly commission of 5% on all sales generated from BBB retail and professional products on placed orders.
Section 1.3 Ocean-Going Vessels. Distributor shall not sell Products to ocean-going vessels unless
approved in writing from the Company.
Section 1.4 Conflicts of Interest. Distributor hereby covenants and agrees that during the initial term and any renewal term hereof neither Distributor nor any Related Person (as hereinafter defined) shall, either directly or indirectly, distribute or sell within the Territory any products or goods not manufactured or sold by the Company which are or may be in competition with the Products, including (without limitation) skin care products; (The term "Related Person" shall mean: (i) any person who directly or indirectly owns any beneficial interest in or in any manner controls any of the stock of Distributor; (ii) any member of Distributor''s or any such stockholder''s immediate family; and (iii) any person, partnership, corporation or other entity which any of the foregoing individually or collectively control or in which any of the foregoing have any direct or indirect ownership or financial interest.)
第一條第四款利益沖突。經(jīng)銷商特立約同意在初始期間和其后任何續(xù)約期間,經(jīng)銷商和任何關聯(lián)人員(下文中定義的)不得直接或間接在區(qū)域內(nèi)分銷或者銷售任何不是本公司制造或者銷售的或可能產(chǎn)生競爭的產(chǎn)品,包括(但不限于)護膚品;(術語關聯(lián)人員指:(1)任何直接或者間接享有經(jīng)銷商權益或以任何方式擁有經(jīng)銷商股份的人; (2)經(jīng)銷商股東或者任何經(jīng)銷商股東的直系親屬;(3) 任何上述獨自或共同控制或直接間接擁有所有權或者財產(chǎn)利益的自然人、合伙、公司或者其他實體)。(利益沖突,也就是競業(yè)禁止的約定)
Section 1.5 Remedies. Distributor specifically acknowledges that any breach of any of its covenants contained in this Section I may cause irreparable harm to the Company and that damages are not an adequate remedy. Distributor therefore agrees that the Company shall be entitled to injunctive or equitable relief to enforce such covenants. (The foregoing shall not be construed to limit in any way the Company''s right to enforce such covenants in any manner or the Company''s rights to injunctive or equitable relief with respect to any other terms of this Agreement.)
第一條第五款救濟。經(jīng)銷商明確承認任何違背本條規(guī)定的契約的行為可能給本公司帶來不可彌補的損害且損害賠償金不足以救濟。因此,經(jīng)銷商同意本公司有權申請禁止令或衡平救濟來強制履行該契約。(以上所述并不得解釋為以任何方式限制本公司就本協(xié)議其他條款用任何手段來強制履行該契約或申請禁止令或衡平救濟的權利。) (違約救濟的約定,注意普通法救濟,衡平法救濟雙重救濟模式)
Section 1.6 Invalidity of Covenants. In the event that any covenant of Distributor set forth in this Section I is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable for any reason, the Distributor hereby agrees to be bound by such lesser restrictions as such court determines are enforceable.
Section 1.7 Bond. In any action or proceeding by Company to obtain a temporary restraining order and/or preliminary injunction to enforce these covenant(s), Distributor hereby agrees to waive the necessity of the posting of any injunction bond by Company in order to obtain the temporary restraining order and/or preliminary injunction. In the event that Company''s request for a temporary restraining order and/or motion for preliminary injunction is granted in whole or in part but Company is ultimately unsuccessful in obtaining a permanent injunction to enforce any of these covenant(s), Distributor hereby waives any and all rights it may have against Company for any injuries or damages, including consequential damages,
sustained by Distributor and arising directly or indirectly from the issuance of the temporary restraining order and/or preliminary injunction.
保證金公司為獲得臨時限制和提前約束而訂立的合同, 經(jīng)銷商要遵從。公司請求訂立的最終合同和條款如果最終全部或者部分生效,經(jīng)銷商必須放棄任何可能因為合同生效后而對公司產(chǎn)生損失的權力。
(這一段約定經(jīng)銷商保證對臨時限制令和預先禁止令造成損害賠償?shù)臋嗬艞墸?BR>ARTICLE II 第二條
TERM 協(xié)議期間
Section 2.1 Duration of Agreement. Unless this Agreement is earlier terminated as provided herein, this Agreement shall be for an initial term beginning on the date hereof and ending _______, 200__. This Agreement shall be renewed for successive one-year terms thereafter unless either party gives written notice of non-renewal at least 30 days prior to the end of the initial term or any renewal then in effect.
Section 3.1 Products. The term "Products" shall include only those products of the Company listed in Exhibit "B". The Company may, upon fifteen (15) days written notice to the Distributor, cease selling any or all of the Products to Distributor without any liability to Company, provided that the Company does not sell any of such Products to another person or legal entity within the Territory during the term hereof, and that the discontinuance is undertaken in good faith for bona fide business reasons. The Company may add Products to Exhibit "B" from time to time upon such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate.
第三條第一款產(chǎn)品本協(xié)議中用語"產(chǎn)品" 只包括本公司在附件2 中所列出的產(chǎn)品.本公司可以提前15天書面通知經(jīng)銷商,停止銷售任一或者全部產(chǎn)品而不承擔任何責任,但本公司不得在本協(xié)議期間銷售任何該產(chǎn)品給本區(qū)域中的其他自然人或者法律實體且該中斷是按誠實信用原則基于善意的商業(yè)理由。本公司可以在適當時機,根據(jù)該條款隨時增加產(chǎn)品到附件2。
Section 3.2 Prices. Company shall strive to maintain reasonable price levels of Products, which shall be determined and established at its sole discretion, taking into consideration such factors as competition and market conditions in Territory as well as the nature and extent of the sales promotion support that Distributor and Company shall each provide. Company shall notify Distributor of any changes in price thirty (30) days in advance of any price changes.
Section 3.3 Marketing and Advertising Material. Distributor shall abide by all corporate policies and
procedures directly relating to trademarks, product/packaging color guidelines, image, marketing and advertising materials as defined by the latest revision of Corporate Policies & Procedures Booklet.
Distributor shall pay Company for all marketing and advertising material which the Distributor desires subsequent to the marketing and advertising material furnished Distributor with its initial order. Company will sell marketing and advertising material to distributor at Company''s cost. Distributor shall also pay all shipping charges and a reasonable handling charge for the marketing and advertising material. All translations and printed material in foreign languages are at the sole expense of the Distributor. All "brand-related" design, set-up time and artwork submitted to Company''s graphic department shall be reasonably requested and provided free of charge as follows: proofs provided in PDF format, final artwork provided on CD final art format. Should distributor or distributor''s media sources require final films/matchprints said material will be provided to distributor at Company "Cost" only after distributor approves/signs Job Quote and return to Marketing Department.
所有提交到本公司策劃部與"商標相關的" 設計、安裝時間、圖案,可在以下情形下合理要求免費提供。經(jīng)銷商在以下合理的情況下可以申請免費提供和使用:以PDF文件格式提供的文樣,以CD格式提供的最終圖案。倘若經(jīng)銷商或者經(jīng)銷商委托的媒體需要原版膠片的,當經(jīng)銷商同意/簽收報價并返還給本公司銷售部以后,則按照本公司成本價格提供。
Section 3.4 Orders. Company shall fill and ship each order of the Distributor within sixty (60) days of receipt of such order, but shall not be liable in any respect for failure to ship or for delays in shipment where such failure or delay shall have been due wholly or in part to fire, strike, differences with workmen, failure to secure materials or energy sources from usual supply outlets, any governmental regulations, orders or controls, or to any cause beyond its control. Any portion of an order remaining uns,hipped after such sixty (60) days may be cancelled by Distributor upon written notice to Company.
第三條第四款訂單。本公司應在收到訂單后的六十(60) 天內(nèi)海運發(fā)貨,但是本公司對全部或部分因火災、罷工、勞工爭議、未能從通常的供應渠道獲得原料或能源、政府法令或管制或任何無法控制的原因導致不能裝運或延遲裝運概不負責。訂單上的任何部分在發(fā)出訂單六十(60) 天之后還不能發(fā)貨的,經(jīng)銷商可以書面通知本公司予以取消。
Section 3.5 Shipment. Company agrees to ship the Product to Distributor or to any individual or entity that Distributor so directs EXWorks. The cost of such shipment and any charges for demurrage, storage, or otherwise after the arrival of the Product at its destination shall be borne by Distributor. If diversions of shipments are made upon the Distributor''s request, or are made by Company as a result of the Distributor''s failure or refusal for any reason to accept shipments made pursuant to the Distributor''s orders, the Distributor shall pay the additional charges and expenses incident to such diversions, but in no event shall the Distributor pay Company an amount in excess of the charges or expenses incident to returning such shipments to their original shipping points.
第三條第五款運輸。本公司同意將產(chǎn)品裝船運送給經(jīng)銷商或經(jīng)銷商按工廠交貨方式指定的任何個人或實體。運輸費以及任何由此而發(fā)生的延滯費、倉儲費或者其他的產(chǎn)品抵達目的后需要支付的其他費用由經(jīng)銷商承擔。如果經(jīng)銷商要求變更卸貨地, 或者是經(jīng)銷商的基于某種原因不收或拒收訂單貨物,則經(jīng)銷商應支付由此而發(fā)生的附加費用和因變更產(chǎn)生的費用,但是經(jīng)銷商概不承擔超過運輸費
Section 4.1 Best Efforts. Distributor shall use its best efforts to promote and sell the Products throughout the Territory. Such promotion shall include Distributor''s attendance at those trade shows listed on Exhibit "C" attached hereto. Distributor is required to advertise Company''s products in local trade publications and regional consumer publications a minimum of six times per year commencing no later than six months after official Product launch date.
Company shall provide use of Company''s International Educator one time per year, provided Distributor is in full compliance with all terms and conditions of this contract. Company shall provide trainer and pay for airline travel. Company shall pay for three (3) training days at the rate of USD $225.00 per day. Distributor shall pay for any additional training days at the rate of USD $225.00 per day, payable in advance upon confirmed travel itinerary, prior to scheduled training. Distributor shall pay for trainer''s room and board at a minimum "3-Star" hotel as defined in the current Michelin hotel rating manual, and safe transport to and from the airport and daily training site.
如經(jīng)銷商完全遵守合同條款,本公司應每年委派一次公司的全球性講師來培訓,。公司將提供導師并支付交通費用,并以每天USD $225.00支付三天的培訓費用。經(jīng)銷商需要支付每天USD $225.00以外的其他費用。經(jīng)銷商必須在預定培訓前,確定旅程路線后提前支付。經(jīng)銷商應承擔講師的食宿費,至少是Michelin 酒店星級手冊定義的3星級以上酒店, 以及酒店和機場間以及酒店和培訓地間日常安全接送。
Section 4.2 Inspection and Reporting. Distributor shall permit Company and its representatives at any reasonable time to inspect Distributor''s inventory of Products, and to inspect, audit and make copies of and extracts from all books, records, accounting information and all other papers in the possession of Distributor which relate in any way to this Distribution Agreement. Within ten (10) days after the end of each calendar month, Distributor shall furnish Company with written reports certified as true and correct by Distributor and by Distributor''s president individually in such form as Company may specify (or in the absence of such specification in any reasonable form) containing the following information with respect to the preceding month:
第四條第二款檢查和報告。經(jīng)銷商應允許本公司及其代表在任何合理的時間檢查經(jīng)銷商銷售該產(chǎn)品的明細目錄并檢查、審計和復制或節(jié)錄各種帳簿、記錄、核算資料,以及其他一切與以任何方式與本經(jīng)銷協(xié)議經(jīng)銷商所占有的其他文件。在每個日歷月結束后十天內(nèi),經(jīng)銷商都要向本公司提供由經(jīng)銷商及其董事長個人證實真實正確的書面報告,該報告應按本公司要求的格式:(如果沒有以合理的格式提供說明) ,應包括有關上個月的以下幾個方面情況的內(nèi)容:
(a) beginning and ending inventory of products on hand, itemized by Product line and item;
(b) sale of products during the month and for the year to date;
(c) month-end balance of cash on hand;
(d) month-end report of accounts receivable to include an aged schedule of accounts receivable, specifically identifying any account receivable which may be of doubtful collectability;
(e) a complete monthly listing of each and every sales representative of Distributor, clearly indicating the
Territory, or part thereof, for which that representative is responsible and reporting the volume of sales attributable to that representative for the preceding month; and
(f) such other information concerning Distributor or pertinent to this Distribution Agreement as Company may at any time reasonably request.
1) 按產(chǎn)品系列和品種列出該月的產(chǎn)品存貨數(shù)量及產(chǎn)品目錄;
(2) 本月產(chǎn)品銷售額及本年度到當月為止銷售額;
(3) 月底的現(xiàn)金結存表;
(4) 月底應收帳款財務報表還包括過期應收帳款一覽表,特別地確定有疑問的應收帳款;
(5) 經(jīng)銷商該整月的每個銷售代表名單,明確各銷售代表負責的區(qū)域或區(qū)域的部分,報告其在所述區(qū)域內(nèi)上月的銷售額;和
(6) 本公司可以在隨時合理要求的其他與經(jīng)銷商或本經(jīng)銷協(xié)議相關的其他信息。
Section 4.3 Financial Statements. Within fifteen (15) days after the end of each calendar quarter, Distributor shall submit to Company an unaudited balance sheet and statement of income and retained earnings of Distributor, certified as true and correct by Distributor and by Distributor''s president. Within ninety (90) days after the close of Distributor''s fiscal year, Distributor shall also submit to Company an audited balance sheet and statement of income and retained earnings of Distributor together with the usual and customary notes and schedules related thereto, which financial statements shall be true, correct and complete and shall be accompanied by a report of an independent certified public accounting firm, selected by Distributor but subject to the approval of the Company, to the effect that such firm has examined such financial statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and that, in its opinion, such financial statements present fairly the financial position of Distributor as of the end of such fiscal year and the results of Distributor''s operations for such fiscal year, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis.
第四條第三款財務報表。每季度結束后15天內(nèi),經(jīng)銷商應向本公司提交經(jīng)經(jīng)銷商公司及董事長確認的真實準確的未審計前的資產(chǎn)負債表、收益說明、留存利潤。在經(jīng)銷商會計年度結束后90日內(nèi),經(jīng)銷商也應向本公司提交經(jīng)經(jīng)銷商公司及董事長確認的真實準確的審計后的資產(chǎn)負債表、收益說明、留存利潤說明以及平時所用票據(jù)和相關的一覽表, 并應隨附獨立注冊會計師事務所的報告,該會計師事務所由經(jīng)銷商自己選擇但是要經(jīng)過本公司的批準,以便該事務所按一般公認的審計標準審查該財務報表并根據(jù)其意見,該財務報表能夠公正說明經(jīng)銷商在該年度結束時的財務狀況及該年度經(jīng)銷商的經(jīng)營業(yè)績,符合一貫適用的一般公認的會計原則。
Section 4.4 Insurance. The Distributor shall have and maintain at all times, at Distributor''s sole expense, an insurance policy or policies insuring Distributor and the Company against any loss, liability or expense whatsoever as a result of personal injury, death, property damage, and with respect to its inventory of Products, insurance against risk of fire, so called extended coverage, sprinkler leakage, if applicable, and insurance against other risks customarily insured against by companies engaged in business similar to that of Distributor, in such amounts, containing such terms, in such form, for such period, and written by such companies as shall be satisfactory to the Company such insurance to be payable to the Company and to the Distributor as their interest may appear. All policies of insurance shall provide for not less than fifteen (15) days written minimum cancellation notice to the Company and shall list Company as an additional Named Insured. The Distributor shall furnish to the Company certificates or other evidence satisfactory to the Company of compliance with the foregoing insurance provisions within fifteen (15) days from date of request.
Section 4.5 Care of Inventory. Distributor shall maintain its inventory of Products in first class order and shall follow strictly all reasonable instructions from the Company regarding handling and storage of the Products which includes a policy of first in,firs tout on all sales. Distributor shall not alter in any manner whatsoever the bottles, labels or contents of any of the Products nor shall the Distributor sell or repackage any Products which are damaged without the Company''s prior written consent which may, in the Company''s sole and absolute discretion, be withheld.
Section 4.6 Protection of Products. Distributor shall not alter in any manner or form any of the Company''s materials, brochures or Products.
Section 5.1 Terms of Payment by Distributor. The terms of payment for the Products shall be as stated in Exhibit "D" attached hereto. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all monies past due shall bear interest at eighteen (18) percent per annum simple interest (except that, during any period in which the balance outstanding exceeds $500,000, such interest rate shall be limited to a maximum of twenty-five (25) percent per annum simple interest calculated for such period, rather than eighteen (18) percent). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the interest rate charged shall in no event exceed the maximum rate permitted by applicable law. It is not the intent of the Company to collect or receive interest in excess of the maximum rate allowable by law, and any interest so paid shall be deemed to be a principal payment and shall be so credited and applied to the indebtedness hereunder.
Section 5.2 Costs of Collection. If any amounts due from the Distributor to the Company or from the Company to the Distributor hereunder are collected by or through an attorney at law, the collecting party shall be entitled to recover all costs of collection including, but not limited to, court costs, reasonable attorneys'' fees and paralegal fees, (including fees on appeals) if any.
Section 6.1 Ownership. The trademark "BBB" is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. (Said trademark, together with any and all other trademarks, trade names, designs, signs, emblems, insignia, symbols, slogans and other marks the Company may now possess or may hereafter adopt, acquire or use in connection with the Products shall be collectively referred to herein as the "Trademarks.") The Trademarks are the exclusive and valuable property of the Company or its affiliates. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as conferring upon the Distributor any right or interest in the Trademarks or their registration, and any use of the Trademarks by the Distributor shall be solely as a licensee of the company. Distributor expressly recognizes and agrees not to contest the Company or its affiliates, ownership of the Trademarks.
Section 6.2 Use of Trademarks. Distributor may use only such of the Trademarks as the Company may authorize and only in such manner as the Company may authorize, and the decisions of the Company on all matters concerning the Trademarks shall be final and conclusive, and not subject to question by the Distributor. The Distributor shall not take, nor shall he knowingly permit, any action which may in any way prejudice or harm the Trademarks, or the Company''s ownership thereof. The Distributor shall not use, nor shall it authorize any person, partnership, corporation or other entity to use, any of the Trademarks as part of a corporate, business or firm name. The Distributor shall not use the Trademarks in any way which might suggest that the Distributor is an agent, employee, partner or joint venturer of, or otherwise affiliated with, the Company and shall not use any of the Trademarks in any manner so as to suggest that the Distributor is the Company''s authorized distributor for any products of the Company other than the Products as herein defined.
Section 6.3 Obligations Upon Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement, for whatever cause, the Distributor shall abandon at once all use of the Trademarks, and shall not thereafter use in any manner whatsoever any of the Trademarks.
Section 6.4 Protection of Trademarks. The Company (or its affiliates), shall have sole and exclusive right to protect and defend the Trademarks at its sole cost and expense and shall have the sole and absolute discretion as to how to protect and defend and whether or not to protect and defend the Trademarks. The
Company shall not be liable to the Distributor for any loss or damage suffered by the Distributor as a result of the use of the Trademarks, or as a result of any litigation or proceeding involving the Trademarks, or as a result of any failure by the Company to protect or defend the Trademarks. The Distributor shall cooperate fully with the Company, its affiliates in the defense and protection of the Trademarks and shall promptly and fully advise the Company of any use in the Territory of which Distributor has knowledge of any trademark or other mark infringing upon any of the Trademarks.
Section 7.1 Local Laws. The Distributor shall sell and distribute the Products in compliance with all national, state, municipal, local and other governmental laws, decrees, ordinances, rules, orders, regulations and charges.
Section 8.1 Local Fees and Taxes. The Distributor shall, at the Distributor''s own cost and expense obtain all licenses, permits and other authorizations to conduct its business and for shipment to or from the Distributor of Products, equipment, and all other materials required for the selling and distributing of the Products, without any responsibility on the part of the Company with respect to such licenses, permits or authorizations. Distributor also agrees to pay all applicable taxes, licenses, fines and fees relating to Distributor''s business and its purchase and sale of Products hereunder.
Section 9.1 Legal Relationship and Indemnification. Nothing in this Agreement shall create or be deemed to create any relationship of agency, employment, partnership, or joint venture between the Distributor and the Company. Distributor shall assume full responsibility and liability for, and shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless from, any loss, injury, or damage (including expenses and reasonable attorneys'' fees)
resulting from, or claimed to result from, any act or omission on the part of the Distributor.
Section 10.1 Assignment of Rights or Obligations. Distributor may not sell, assign, transfer, pledge, lease, license, or in any other way or manner encumber or dispose of any of its rights or obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, nor shall said rights or obligations pass by operation of law or in any other manner without the prior written consent of the Company. The Company''s right to withhold such consent shall be absolute and unqualified. If this Agreement is in any way assigned or transferred by the Company or if it is in any way assigned or transferred by the Distributor upon the prior written consent of the Company as aforesaid, then this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties.
Section 10.2 Transfer of Stock or Securities. Neither Distributor nor any other person shall sell, assign, transfer, issue, reissue, pledge or otherwise dispose of or encumber, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the Company, which consent in the Company''s absolute and unqualified discretion may be withheld: (i) If Distributor is a partnership, any partnership interest in Distributor; or (ii) if Distributor is a corporation, any or all of the Distributor''s stock, and/or securities with voting rights and/or certificates of indebtedness with voting rights (whether or not such stock, securities or certificates or indebtedness are issued or outstanding at such time) is such transactions either singly or when aggregated with all previous such transactions shall or may cause ______________ and members of _____ immediate family to own less than fiftyone (51) percent of the outstanding voting stock of the Distributor or have less than fiftyone (51) percent of the effective voting power over the Distributor. Distributor hereby agrees that its stock shall at all times during the terms hereof bear a legend which states that its transferability is subject to the terms hereof. Distributor further warrants and covenants that its stock ownership (or partnership interest as the case may be) is now and shall be as of the effective date hereof.
第十條第二款股票和證券的轉讓。未經(jīng)本公司事先書面同意,經(jīng)銷商或者其他人不得出讓、轉移、轉讓、發(fā)行和重新發(fā)行、質押或者用其他的方式處置股份或者有價證券、或者在股份和證券上設定債權,無論是否運用法律。該同意為本公司完全無限制權利,可在以下情形隨時收回: (1)如果經(jīng)銷商的公司是合伙企業(yè),任何合伙利益;(2)如果經(jīng)銷商的公司是一個有限公司,擁有一部分或者全部的股份或有投票權的證券或具有投票權的債券(無論該股票、證券或債券當時已發(fā)行在外或發(fā)行未售出)的該交易,無論是單獨還是與所有先前此種交易結合應該或可能導致______________以及_____的直系親屬的成員擁有少于51%的經(jīng)銷商已發(fā)行有投票權的股票或者擁有超過經(jīng)銷商少于51%的有效投票權。經(jīng)銷商在此同意其股份在協(xié)議期間提供本公司圖例表明其根據(jù)本協(xié)議條款的轉
Section 11.1 Termination by Distributor. Distributor may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Company.
第十一條第一款經(jīng)銷商終止。經(jīng)銷商隨時可以終止本協(xié)議,無論有無原因,但要提前三十(30) 天書面通知本公司。
Section 11.2 Termination by the Company. Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events, in addition to all other rights and remedies, including the right to damages, the Company shall have the right, in the Company''s discretion, to terminate this agreement immediately by giving written notice thereof to the Distributor:
(a) Distributor''s failure to pay any amounts due hereunder or under any other agreement between the Company and Distributor at the time such amounts become due.
(b) Distributor''s breach or failure to perform of any other covenant, obligation, warranty, term or condition hereof or Distributor''s failure to adhere to any established written Company policy which is applicable to all or substantially all of the Company''s distributors and which is in its terms mandatory, if Distributor fails to cure any such breach or failure within thirty (30) days after the Company gives written notice thereof to the Distributor, provided that no such notice to cure need be given if the Company has previously given the Distributor notice to cure with respect to a breach of or failure to perform of the same covenant, obligation, warranty, term, condition or policy on at least two previous occasions, whether or not Distributor has in fact cured on such occasions.
(2)經(jīng)銷商違背或拒不履行本協(xié)議項下的別的契約、義務、擔保、條款,或者經(jīng)銷商未能堅持執(zhí)行已簽署的適用于公司所有或大部分經(jīng)銷商的規(guī)章制度和其強制性條款,如果經(jīng)銷商在本公司書面通知30天內(nèi)該事件仍然不能解決, 但如果本公司就至少兩次同樣的該違約或不履行事件以前發(fā)過書面通知要求處理,公司將終止協(xié)議,無論前幾次是否解決了問題。
(c) The discontinuation, without cause, in whole or in substantial part of distribution of the Products by the Distributor, for any reason whatsoever (except for normal seasonal variation in the sale of the Products) for a period of more than sixty (60) days.
(d) The insolvency of the Distributor; or assignment by the Distributor for the benefit of creditors; or the filing of a voluntary bankruptcy or reorganization petition by the Distributor; or the failure of the Distributor to vacate an involuntary bankruptcy or reorganization petition filed against the Distributor, within thirty (30) days from the date of such filing; or the failure of the Distributor to vacate the appointment of a receiver or a trustee for Distributor, or for any part or interest of the Distributor''s business, within thirty (30) days from the date of such appointment; or the failure of the Distributor to vacate, set aside, or have dismissed any insolvency proceeding under any law governing, or applicable to
the Distributor within thirty (30) days from the date of the commencement of any such proceeding.
(e) The effective loss by the Distributor of management or control of the Distributor''s business by virtue of any law, decree, order, rule, regulation, ordinance, foreclosure or similar cause and failure to restore such management or control to Distributor within thirty (30) days.
(f) The failure by Distributor to achieve the level of sales for the Products as stated in Exhibit "E" in the Territory, unless such failure is substantially caused by the failure of the Company to supply a sufficient amount of Products with reasonable promptness or by any breach of this Agreement by the Company.
(6)經(jīng)銷商未能在其經(jīng)銷區(qū)域內(nèi)達到附件5中規(guī)定的銷售水平, 除非是實質上由于本公司沒有及時提供充足的貨源,或者是由于本公司違背本協(xié)議。
Section 11.3 Right to Discontinue Supply. Upon the happening of any one or more of the events specified in Section 11.2 hereof or if the Company reasonably believes that Distributor may not have the financial ability to pay for the Products ordered, then the Company shall also have the right to discontinue supplying the Distributor with Products and other materials for such length of time as the Company may in its sole judgment deem necessary, without terminating this Agreement and without thereby prejudicing the Company''s rights to terminate this Agreement for the same cause or for any one or more other causes.
Section 11.4 Partial Termination. If Distributor fails, with respect to any or all of the Products in any or all parts of the Territory, either to perform its duties or covenants hereunder or to achieve the level of sales in Section 11.2(f) hereof, the Company may, instead of terminating this Agreement altogether, sell any or all of such Products to one or more other persons (including but not limited to Distributor''s existing customers), in any or all of such parts of the Territory and, in addition or in the alternative, may withdraw the Distributor''s rights to sell any or all such Products in any or all such parts of the Territory.
Section 11.5 Effect of Termination. Termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason shall not impair the obligation of the parties to pay any and all amounts payable hereunder at the time such amounts are or become due. Distributor''s sole remedy for Company''s breach of Agreement shall be termination of the Agreement.
Section 11.6 Option to Repurchase. Should this Agreement be terminated for any cause whatsoever, the Company shall have the option to purchase from the Distributor, and the Distributor shall, upon the exercise of such option by the Company, sell to the Company, any part or all of the Distributor''s labels, containers, cases, cartons, mixtures, ingredients and Products at the invoice price thereof to the Distributor, less a 40% handling charge and a reasonable allowance for depreciation, deterioration and obsolescence.
Section 12.1 Costs of Enforcement. In the event that Company initiates legal action (including both trial and appellate proceedings) to enforce its rights hereunder, Company shall recover from the non-prevailing party his or its reasonable litigation expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney''s fees) of all such proceedings.
Section 12.2 Notices. Any notices required to be given under the terms of this Agreement shall be addressed to the parties at the following addresses, or at such other address designed in writing by the party to receive notice:
If to Corporation: ABC, Inc.
Attn: John Doe, President
111 Fentress Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
如果給本公司: ABC, Inc.
Attn: John Doe, President
111 Fentress Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
If to Distributor:
If to Guarantor(s):
Any party by written notice to the other parties may change the address or the persons to whom notices or copies thereof shall be directed.
Notices shall be either (1) personally delivered (including delivery by Federal Express or other courier services) to the address set forth above, in which case they shall be deemed delivered on the date of delivery; (2) sent by Western Union Telegram, in which case they shall be deemed delivered on the date Western Union delivers it telephonic communication; (3) sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, in which case they shall be deemed delivered on the date shown on the receipt unless delivery is refused or delayed by the addressee, in which event they shall be deemed delivered on the date of the deposit in the U.S. Mail. Notices or communications to or from a party''s attorney will be deemed to be or from the party.
通知應按以下任意方式(1) 親自傳遞(包括聯(lián)邦快遞或者其他快遞服務) 至上列地址,在這種情況下投遞當日視為送達;(2)通過西聯(lián)電報,此種情況西聯(lián)發(fā)出電話傳送的日期視為送達;(3)保證郵件寄送,要求回執(zhí),此種情況下以回執(zhí)上顯示日期為送達,除非被受信人拒收或延誤,則郵件的送達日期被確認為在美國郵局存放的日期。如果是發(fā)給或者來自當事人律師的通知或者通信視同發(fā)給或者來自該當事人
Section 12.3 Acceptance by Telecopier. Either party may demonstrate its execution or acceptance of this Agreement by facsimile transmitted via telecopier showing the transmitting parties'' signature thereon. Such a facsimile, once received by the other party, shall bind the transmitting party to the same extent as would delivery of this Agreement (or a counterpart hereof) containing the parties'' actual signature.
Section 12.4 Construction. The parties acknowledged that each party and its counsel have reviewed and revised this Agreement and that the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendment or exhibits thereto.
Section 12.5 Waiver. The failure of either party to this Agreement to object to or to take affirmative action with respect to any conduct of the other which is in violation of the terms of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of the violation or breach, or of any future violation, breach or wrongful conduct.
Section 12.6 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto concerning the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior memoranda, correspondence, conversations and negotiations.
Section 12.7 Modifications. This Agreement cannot be altered or amended except by an instrument in writing signed by both parties.
Section 12.8 Specific Performance. In the event of a breach or threatened breach by Distributor of any of the provisions of this Agreement, Corporation, in addition to and not in limitation of, any other rights,
remedies, or damages available to Company at law or in equity, shall be entitled to a permanent injunction in order to prevent or restrain any such breach.
Section 12.9 Choice of Law. This Agreement and the performance hereunder and all suits and special proceedings hereunder shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
Section 12.10 Forum. All actions under this Agreement shall be taken in a court of competent jurisdiction in Volusia County, Florida and no party shall advance a position that such forum is improper or inconvenient.
第十二條第十款受理法院所有本協(xié)議下的訴訟均應在佛羅里達Volusia 縣的有管轄權的法院中進行,任何一方不得提出一個位置以認為該法院不合適或不方便。
Section 12.11 Invalid Provisions. The invalidity or unenforceability of a particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereto, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provisions were omitted.
Section 12.12 Legal Expenses. Each of the parties hereto agrees to bear its or their own expenses relating to the negotiation for and preparation and review of documents leading to, as well as this Agreement, whether or not the transaction contemplated hereby is consummated.
第十二條第十二款法律費用。本協(xié)議當事人各方同意承擔協(xié)商有關費用、為文件準備和審查的費用和本協(xié)議產(chǎn)生的費用, 無論最終預期交易是否完成。
Section 12.13 Headings and Terminology. The headings used in this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. The specific terms that are defined in various provisions of this Agreement shall apply throughout this Agreement (including, without limitation, each exhibit hereto unless expressly indicated otherwise).
Section 12.14 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, and each executed copy shall constitute an original instrument, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument.
Section 12.15 Confidentiality. The terms and conditions of this Agreement are to be held in strictest confidence and are not to be disclosed by the Representative to any third party other than appropriate Company personnel.
Section 12.16 Limitations. The word "including" in this Agreement, when followed with a listing, shall mean including, without limitation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date first above mentioned by their representatives, who personally attest that they are duly authorized to enter into this Agreement.
____________________________ By:___________________________ (簽約人)
____________________________ Its President (董事長)
DISTRIBUTOR: 經(jīng)銷商
____________________________ By:___________________________ (簽約人)
____________________________ Its President (董事長)
Per Section 1.2 of the Distribution Agreement, Distributor''s Territory is:
Mainland China
EXHIBIT "B"; PRODUCTS 附件二產(chǎn)品
Per Section 3.1 of the Distribution Agreement, Distributor''s Products are those attached hereto.
Per Section 4.1 of the Distribution Agreement, Distributor shall go to the following trade shows:
As Available
Per Section 5.1 of the Agreement, terms of payment are as follows:
Wire transfer to our Bank: Wachovia Bank, Jacksonville, FL
電匯至我方銀行Wachovia Bank, Jacksonville, FL
Bank Routing Number (ABA #): 063-0000-21
銀行路由號碼( ABA#): 063-0000-21
Account Name: ABC, Inc., * Blvd.
帳戶名稱:ABC 公司,
Account Number: ********** Swift Code: **********
帳號:************ SWIFT號碼:
All orders, including the opening order must be paid for in advance. After one year, depending upon Distributor performance, terms of payment may be renegotiated by Company.
所有的訂單, 包括開始訂單必須提前付款。一年以后,根據(jù)經(jīng)銷商銷售情況,付款方式可以與公司重新協(xié)商
Per Section 11.2(f) of the Agreement, Distributor shall make the following purchases per quarter: OPENING ORDER = USD $62,500
Year 1
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
USD $62,500 USD $125,000 USD $125,000 USD $125,000
第1 年
USD$62,500 USD$125,000 USD$125,000 USD$125,000 (44,000)
Year 2
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
USD $150,000 USD $150,000 USD $150,000 USD $150,000
第2 年
USD$150,000 USD$150,000 USD$150,000 USD$150,000 (60,000)
Year 3
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
USD $180,000 USD $180,000 USD $180,000 USD $180,000
第3 年
USD$180,000 USD$180,000 USD$180,000 USD$180,000 (72,000)
Thereafter, the purchases per year shall be 25 percent more than the purchases of the prior year for a period of 4 years and thereafter 20 percent.
NOTE: All BBB orders placed by distributor for less than USD $10,000 are subject to a 10% surcharge.
備注: 所有經(jīng)銷商的BBB產(chǎn)品訂單貨款少于USD$10,000的將多收取10%的附加費
一般合同法律術語(General Contract and Legal Terms):
Arbitration 仲裁
Assignment of Rights and Delegation of Duties Clause 權利轉讓和義務讓渡條款
Attachment 附件
Attorney-in-Fact 代理人
Attorneys Fees Clause 律師費條款
Breach of Contract 違約
Cancellation/Termination Clause (合同)解除/終止條款
Choice of Law/ Governing Law Clause 法律選擇/適用法律條款
Compensation 賠償
Contract 合同
Dam s ages 損害賠償金
Actual Damage 實際損害賠償金
Incidental Damages 附帶損害賠償金
Consequential Damages 間接損害賠償金
Punitive Damages 懲罰性損害賠償金
Defamation 誹謗
Default 不履約/違約
Entire Agreement Clause 完整協(xié)議條款
Injunctive Relief 禁止令救濟
Jurisdiction 法域/司法管轄權
Legal Consideration 對價
Legal Representatives, Successors and Assigns 法定代表人,繼任者和受讓人
Mediation 調(diào)解
Meeting of Minds 合意
Mutuality of Obligation 相互義務
Offer and Acceptance 要約與承諾
Parties 合同方/合同當事人
Release 解除/免除
Rescission (合同)解除
Severability Clause 效力瑕疵/可分離條款
Specific Performance 特別履行(通常是法院衡平救濟的方式之一)
Standard of Reasonableness 合理性標準
Statute of Frauds 反欺詐法
Term 條款/期限
Time of the Essence Clause 重要時限條款
Venue 審理地/管轄地
Warranty 擔保
版權方面術語(Copyright Terms)
Collective Work 集體作品
Copyright 版權/著作權
Copyright Infringement 侵犯版權/版權侵權
Exclusive and Non-Exclusive Rights 獨占和非獨占權利
Fair Use 合理使用
First North American Serial Rights/FNA Hard Copy Print Publication Rights 首次印刷權
Instructional Text 指示文本
Joint Work 合作作品
License 版權許可
Moral Rights 精神權利(始發(fā)歐洲,譬如:聲明作者身份和防止修改權)
Plagiarism 剽竊/抄襲
Public Domain 公眾領域
Rights Reversion 權利復原
Subsidiary Rights 鄰接版權(譬如翻譯作品)
Supplementary Work 附屬作品
Termination Rights Provision 終止權規(guī)定
Transferring or Assigning Copyright 版權轉讓
出版業(yè)術語(Printing Industry Terms)
All Rights/Universal Rights Clause 全部/普遍權利條款
Byline 署名權
Editorial Acceptance 接受投稿
Kill Fee/ Rejection fee 退稿費
Outlets 出版/印刷地
Royalties 版稅
工商業(yè)術語(Business Terms)
Agencies/Brokers 代理/中介
Agent 代理人
At Will Employment 任意聘用關系(雇主可隨時解雇雇員)
Bill Rate 薪資比率
Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Clause 保密條款
Deliverables 可交付使用
Documentation House 文檔編制室
Employee 雇員
Finder''s Fee 中介傭金
Fixed Bid/ Fixed Contract 定額投標/定額合同
Indemnification/Hold Harmless Clause 保證賠償豁免條款
Independent Contractor 獨立締約人
Invoice 發(fā)票
Mark up 標高價格
Margin 差價/保證金
Milestone 轉折點
Net Days 凈天數(shù)
Non-Competition Clause/ Non-Compete/ Exclusivity/ Predatory Soliciting Clause
Payroll Service Agencies 薪資服務中介
Perma-temp 長期臨時工
Portfolio Copies 公文復件
Prompt Payment Discount立即付款折扣
Proprietary Rights 所有權
Purchase Order 定單
Retainer 預聘費/律師費
Reviewer 審閱人/審查人
Scope of Employment 聘用職責
Side Agreement 附屬協(xié)議
Subcontractor 次承包人
Temp 臨時工
Waiver of Benefits 津貼放棄
Work-for-Hire 加工承攬
1.《怎樣起草與翻譯合同協(xié)議》(Draft & Translate Contracts & Agreements),胡庚申著,中國科學技術大學出版社,1992年版
2.《國際商務合同起草與翻譯》(Formulation and Translation of International Business Contracts),胡庚申、王春暉、申云楨編著,外文出版社,2001年版
3.《合同英語手冊》(Master English For Contract),葛亞軍著,天津科技翻譯出版社,2002.1(2002.3重印)
4.《對外經(jīng)濟合同英文寫作》(Foreign Economic Contract Documents in Writing),傅偉良著,石油工業(yè)出版社,2003.2(2版)
5.《如何閱讀英文合約》(Understanding an English Contract)(基礎篇),劉承愚著,智勝文化事業(yè)有限公司,2000.4
6.《國際經(jīng)貿(mào)英語合同寫作》(English Writing for International Economic and Trade Contracts),吳敏、吳明忠著,暨南大學出版社
7.《英美契約法論》(Anglo-American Law of Contracts),楊楨著,北京大學出版社,2003.2(3版)
8.《法窗譯話》(Window on Legal Translation),陳忠誠著,中國對外翻譯出版公司,1998重印
9.Contract Law, Chris Tuner, Hodder & Stoughton, 2001


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