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作者:趙麗娜律師發(fā)布   出處:法律顧問網(wǎng)·涉外anthonyjohnsonjr.com     時間:2011/4/1 17:01:00

Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Requiring Leaders and Judges Holding Judgment or Enforcement Positions of People's Courts to Practice Abstention If Their Spouses or Offspring Engage in the Profession of Lawyers (Trial)


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court
Document Number: Fa Fa [2011] No. 5
Promulgating Date: 02/10/2011
Effective Date: 02/10/2011
Validity Status: Valid
頒布機關(guān): 最高人民法院
文     號: 法發(fā)[2011]5號
頒布時間: 02/10/2011
實施時間: 02/10/2011
效力狀態(tài): 有效



With a view to safeguarding judicial justice and integrity, and preventing conflicts between the personal interests of leaders and judges of people's courts and public interests, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Servants, the Judges Law of the People's Republic of China and the Certain Rules on Clean Government Applicable to Leaders and Cadres Who Are CPC Members.
Article 1    Leaders and judges holding judgment or enforcement positions of people's courts shall practice abstention if their spouses or offspring engage in the profession of lawyer within the jurisdiction of the said people's courts.
For the purpose of these Provisions, "leaders of people's courts" shall refer to members of the leadership teams and full time members of the judicial committees of people's courts at all levels.
For the purpose of these Provisions, "judges holding judgment or enforcement positions" shall refer to members of the judicial committees who do not hold the position of court-level leaders, as well as judges and enforcement officers engaging in judgment or enforcement operations in case-initiation, judgment, enforcement, judicial supervision, State compensation and other departments.
For the purpose of these Provisions, "engaging in the profession of lawyer" shall refer to the situation where a person opens a law firm, or acts as an agent in lawsuits or provides other paid legal services for parties in the capacity of a lawyer.
     第一條  人民法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官,其配偶、子女在其任職法院轄區(qū)內(nèi)從事律師職業(yè)的,應(yīng)當(dāng)實行任職回避。
Article 2    When selecting and appointing leaders, people's courts may not consider persons satisfying the conditions on abstention as candidates for the positions of leaders or judges holding judgment or enforcement positions of the courts.
     第二條  人民法院在選拔任用干部時,不得將具備任職回避條件的人員作為法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官的擬任人選。
Article 3    People's courts may not consider persons having the conditions on abstention when filling up judgment or enforcement positions with additional staff members.
When filling up positions other than judgment or enforcement with additional staff members, people's courts shall explain relevant contents hereof to the persons to be appointed.
     第三條  人民法院在補充審判、執(zhí)行崗位工作人員時,不得補充具備任職回避條件的人員。
Article 4    A leader or a judge holding judgment or enforcement positions of a people's court who has the conditions on abstention prior to the implementation hereof shall voluntarily apply for abstention within six months upon the implementation hereof. The people's court shall, within twelve months upon the implementation hereof, change his/her duties or adjust his/her position according to relevant procedures.
     第四條  在本規(guī)定施行前具備任職回避條件的法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官,應(yīng)當(dāng)自本規(guī)定施行之日起六個月內(nèi)主動提出任職回避申請;相關(guān)人民法院應(yīng)當(dāng)自本規(guī)定施行之日起十二個月內(nèi),按照有關(guān)程序為其辦理職務(wù)變動或者崗位調(diào)整的手續(xù)。
Article 5    A leader or a judge holding judgment or enforcement positions of a people's court who did not satisfy the conditions of abstention prior to the implementation of these regulations but meet the conditions upon implementation hereof shall voluntarily apply for abstention within one month thereafter. The people's court shall, within six months upon expiration of the application term, change his/her duties or adjust his/her position according to relevant procedures.
     第五條  在本規(guī)定施行前不具備任職回避條件,但在本規(guī)定施行后具備任職回避條件的法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官,應(yīng)當(dāng)自任職回避條件具備之日起一個月內(nèi)主動提出任職回避申請;相關(guān)人民法院應(yīng)當(dāng)自申請期限屆滿之日起六個月內(nèi),按照有關(guān)程序為其辦理職務(wù)變動或者崗位調(diào)整的手續(xù)。
Article 6    Where a leader or a judge holding the judgment or enforcement positions of a people's court who falls under the conditions on abstention fails to voluntarily apply for abstention within the period specified above, the people's court shall, within six months upon expiration of the application term, dismiss him/her from the leadership position or transfer him/her to position other than judgment or enforcement according to relevant procedures.
     第六條  具備任職回避條件的法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官在前述規(guī)定期限內(nèi)沒有主動提出任職回避申請的,相關(guān)人民法院應(yīng)當(dāng)自申請期限屆滿之日起六個月內(nèi),按照有關(guān)程序免去其所任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)職務(wù)或者將其調(diào)離審判執(zhí)行崗位。
Article 7    Where the authority for appointment and dismissal is not vested in the people's court for which a leader or a judge holding judgment or enforcement positions to whom abstention is applicable works, the people's court may suggest that the organs having the appointment and dismissal authority to change the position of, or dismiss the said leader or judge.
     第七條  應(yīng)當(dāng)實行任職回避的法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官的任免權(quán)限不在人民法院的,相關(guān)人民法院可向具有干部任免權(quán)的機關(guān)提出為其辦理職務(wù)調(diào)動或者免職手續(xù)的建議。
Article 8    With regard to a leader who resigns from the current position or a judge who quits judgment or enforcement positions as his/her spouse or offspring engages in the professional of lawyer, a new position at the same level and offering the same benefits shall be arranged to the extent possible, provided that Articles 2 and 3 herein may not be violated.
     第八條  因配偶、子女從事律師職業(yè)而辭去現(xiàn)任職務(wù)或者退出審判、執(zhí)行崗位的法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和法官,應(yīng)當(dāng)盡可能按原職級待遇重新安排工作崗位,但在重新安排工作時,不得違反本規(guī)定第二條、第三條的要求。
Article 9    A leader or a judge holding judgment or enforcement positions of a people's court who satisfies the conditions on abstention shall be criticized, punished by Party organizations or be given disciplinary sanctions, as the case may be, under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Concealing the information that his/her spouse or offspring engages in the profession of lawyer;
(2) Circumventing abstention by practicing fraud;
(3) Refusing to follow organizational adjustments or to do proper handover; or
(4) Committing other violations of the provisions on abstention.
     第九條  具備任職回避條件的法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部及審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官具有下列情形之一的,應(yīng)當(dāng)酌情給予批評教育、組織處理或者紀(jì)律處分:
Article 10    In the event that a leader or a judge holding judgment or enforcement positions of a people's court is not required to abstain as his/her spouse or offspring does not work within the area restricted hereunder, if his/her spouse or offspring engages in the profession of lawyer within the areas restricted hereunder by acting as an agent in lawsuits in a disguised form, he/she shall be ordered to resign from the leadership position or be transferred to positions other than judgment or enforcement. Where the said leader or judge is aware of the relevant circumstances in violation, he/she shall also be given corresponding disciplinary sanctions.
     第十條  法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官的配偶、子女不在本規(guī)定所限地域范圍內(nèi)從事律師職業(yè)的,該法院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部和審判、執(zhí)行崗位法官不實行任職回避,但其配偶、子女采取暗中代理等方式在本規(guī)定所限地域范圍內(nèi)從事律師職業(yè)的,應(yīng)當(dāng)責(zé)令其辭去領(lǐng)導(dǎo)職務(wù)或者將其調(diào)離審判、執(zhí)行崗位;其本人知情的,還應(yīng)當(dāng)同時給予其相應(yīng)的紀(jì)律處分。
Article 11    The Supreme People's Court shall be responsible for the interpretations of these Provisions.
     第十一條  本規(guī)定由最高人民法院負(fù)責(zé)解釋。
Article 12    These Provisions shall come into force on the date of promulgation.
     第十二條  本規(guī)定自發(fā)布之日起施行。


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