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Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China
The Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations of the People’s Republic of China, which has been adopted at the 17th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress on October 28, 2010, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force on April 1, 2011.
President of the People’s Republic of China Hu Jintao
October 28, 2010
Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations of the People’s Republic of China
(Adopted at the 17th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress on October 28, 2010)
Table of Contents
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Civil Subjects
Chapter III Marriage and Family
Chapter IV Inheritance
Chapter V Real Right
Chapter VI Creditor’s Rights
Chapter VII Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions


中華人民共和國主席 胡錦濤


目 錄

  第一章 一般規(guī)定
  第二章 民事主體
  第三章 婚姻家庭
  第四章 繼承
  第五章 物權(quán)
  第六章 債權(quán)
  第七章 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)
  第八章 附則

Chapter I General Provisions
第一章 一般規(guī)定

Article 1 This Law is enacted in order to clarify the application of laws concerning foreign-related civil relations, reasonably solve foreign-related civil disputes and safeguard the legal rights and interests of parties.
  第一條 為了明確涉外民事關(guān)系的法律適用,合理解決涉外民事爭議,維護(hù)當(dāng)事人的合法權(quán)益,制定本法。

Article 2 The application of laws concerning foreign-related civil relations shall be determined in accordance with this Law. If there are otherwise special provisions in other laws on the application of laws concerning foreign-related civil relations, such provisions shall prevail.
If there are no provisions in this Law or other laws on the application of any laws concerning foreign-related civil relations, the laws which have the closest relation with this foreign-related civil relation shall apply.
  第二條 涉外民事關(guān)系適用的法律,依照本法確定。其他法律對(duì)涉外民事關(guān)系法律適用另有特別規(guī)定的,依照其規(guī)定。

Article 3 The parties may explicitly choose the laws applicable to foreign-related civil relations in accordance with the provisions of law.
  第三條 當(dāng)事人依照法律規(guī)定可以明示選擇涉外民事關(guān)系適用的法律。

Article 4 If there are mandatory provisions on foreign-related civil relations in the laws of the People’s Republic of China, these mandatory provisions shall directly apply.
  第四條 中華人民共和國法律對(duì)涉外民事關(guān)系有強(qiáng)制性規(guī)定的,直接適用該強(qiáng)制性規(guī)定。

Article 5 If the application of foreign laws will damage the social public interests of the People’s Republic of China, the laws of the People’s Republic of China shall apply.
  第五條 外國法律的適用將損害中華人民共和國社會(huì)公共利益的,適用中華人民共和國法律。

Article 6 As for the application of foreign laws on a foreign-related civil relation, if different laws are enforced in different regions of this foreign country, the laws of the region which has the closest relation with this foreign-related civil relation shall apply.
  第六條 涉外民事關(guān)系適用外國法律,該國不同區(qū)域?qū)嵤┎煌傻,適用與該涉外民事關(guān)系有最密切聯(lián)系區(qū)域的法律。

Article 7 The proper laws applicable to the relevant foreign-related civil relations shall apply to the limitation of action.
  第七條 訴訟時(shí)效,適用相關(guān)涉外民事關(guān)系應(yīng)當(dāng)適用的法律。

Article 8 Lex fori shall apply to the determination on the nature of foreign-related civil relations.
  第八條 涉外民事關(guān)系的定性,適用法院地法律。

Article 9 Foreign laws applicable to foreign-related civil relations do not include the Law of the Application of Law of this foreign country.
  第九條 涉外民事關(guān)系適用的外國法律,不包括該國的法律適用法。

Article 10 Foreign laws applicable to foreign-related civil relations shall be ascertained by the people’s court, arbitral authority or administrative organ. If any party chooses the applicable foreign laws, he shall provide the laws of this country.
If foreign laws can not be ascertained or there are no provisions in the laws of this country, the laws of the People’s Republic of China shall apply.
  第十條 涉外民事關(guān)系適用的外國法律,由人民法院、仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)或者行政機(jī)關(guān)查明。當(dāng)事人選擇適用外國法律的,應(yīng)當(dāng)提供該國法律。

Chapter II Civil Subjects
第二章 民事主體

Article 11 The laws at the habitual residence shall apply to the civil rights capacities of a natural person.
  第十一條 自然人的民事權(quán)利能力,適用經(jīng)常居所地法律。

Article 12 The laws at the habitual residence shall apply to the civil acts capacities of a natural person.
Where a natural person conducting civil activities is determined as incompetent for civil acts in accordance with the laws at the habitual residence but is determined as competent for civil acts in accordance with the laws at the locality of the acts, the laws at the locality of the acts shall apply unless they are related to marriage, family or inheritance.
  第十二條 自然人的民事行為能力,適用經(jīng)常居所地法律。

Article 13 The laws at the habitual residence of a natural person shall apply to the declaration of missing or declaration of death.
  第十三條 宣告失蹤或者宣告死亡,適用自然人經(jīng)常居所地法律。

Article 14 The laws at the locality of registration shall apply to such items as the civil rights capacities, civil acts capacities, organizational institutions, rights and obligations of shareholders, etc. of a legal person and its branch.
If the main business place of a legal person is inconsistent with the locality of registration, the laws of the main business place may apply. The main business place of a legal person shall be its habitual residence.
  第十四條 法人及其分支機(jī)構(gòu)的民事權(quán)利能力、民事行為能力、組織機(jī)構(gòu)、股東權(quán)利義務(wù)等事項(xiàng),適用登記地法律。

Article 15 The laws at the habitual residence of a right holder shall apply to the contents of his right of personality.
  第十五條 人格權(quán)的內(nèi)容,適用權(quán)利人經(jīng)常居所地法律。

Article 16 The laws at the locality of agency act shall apply to agency, but the laws at the locality of agency relation shall apply to the civil relations between the principal and the agent.
The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to entrustment of agency by agreement.
  第十六條 代理適用代理行為地法律,但被代理人與代理人的民事關(guān)系,適用代理關(guān)系發(fā)生地法律。

Article 17 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to trust by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the locality of the trust or of the fiduciary relation shall apply.
  第十七條 當(dāng)事人可以協(xié)議選擇信托適用的法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用信托財(cái)產(chǎn)所在地法律或者信托關(guān)系發(fā)生地法律。

Article 18 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to arbitral agreement by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the locality of the arbitral authority or of the arbitration shall apply.
  第十八條 當(dāng)事人可以協(xié)議選擇仲裁協(xié)議適用的法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)所在地法律或者仲裁地法律。

Article 19 If the laws of the state of nationality are to apply in accordance with this Law and a natural person has more than two nationalities, the laws of the state of nationality in which he has a habitual residence shall apply; if he has no habitual residence in any of the states of nationality, the laws of the state of nationality with which he has the closest relation shall apply. If a natural person has no nationality or his nationality is uncertain, the laws at his habitual residence shall apply.
  第十九條 依照本法適用國籍國法律,自然人具有兩個(gè)以上國籍的,適用有經(jīng)常居所的國籍國法律;在所有國籍國均無經(jīng)常居所的,適用與其有最密切聯(lián)系的國籍國法律。自然人無國籍或者國籍不明的,適用其經(jīng)常居所地法律。

Article 20 If the laws at the habitual residence are to apply in accordance with this Law and a natural person’s habitual residence is uncertain, the laws at his current residence shall apply.
  第二十條 依照本法適用經(jīng)常居所地法律,自然人經(jīng)常居所地不明的,適用其現(xiàn)在居所地法律。

Chapter III Marriage and Family
第三章 婚姻家庭

Article 21 The laws at the mutual habitual residence of the parties shall apply to the marriage qualifications; if there is no mutual habitual residence, the laws of the mutual state of nationality shall apply; if there is no mutual nationality and the marriage is established at the habitual residence or in the state of nationality of one party, the laws at the locality where the marriage is established shall apply.
  第二十一條 結(jié)婚條件,適用當(dāng)事人共同經(jīng)常居所地法律;沒有共同經(jīng)常居所地的,適用共同國籍國法律;沒有共同國籍,在一方當(dāng)事人經(jīng)常居所地或者國籍國締結(jié)婚姻的,適用婚姻締結(jié)地法律。

Article 22 Marriage formalities shall be valid if they conform to the laws at the locality where the marriage is established or the laws at the habitual residence or of the state of nationality of one party.
  第二十二條 結(jié)婚手續(xù),符合婚姻締結(jié)地法律、一方當(dāng)事人經(jīng)常居所地法律或者國籍國法律的,均為有效。

Article 23 The laws at the mutual habitual residence shall apply to the personal relation between husband and wife; if there is no mutual habitual residence, the laws of the mutual state of nationality shall apply.
  第二十三條 夫妻人身關(guān)系,適用共同經(jīng)常居所地法律;沒有共同經(jīng)常居所地的,適用共同國籍國法律。

Article 24 As for the property relation between husband and wife, the parties concerned may choose the applicable laws at the habitual residence, of the state of nationality or at the locality of the main properties of one party by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the mutual habitual residence shall apply; if there is no mutual habitual residence, the laws of the mutual state of nationality shall apply.
  第二十四條 夫妻財(cái)產(chǎn)關(guān)系,當(dāng)事人可以協(xié)議選擇適用一方當(dāng)事人經(jīng)常居所地法律、國籍國法律或者主要財(cái)產(chǎn)所在地法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用共同經(jīng)常居所地法律;沒有共同經(jīng)常居所地的,適用共同國籍國法律。

Article 25 The laws at the mutual habitual residence shall apply to the personal and property relations between parents and children; if there is no mutual habitual residence, the laws in favor of protecting the rights and interests of the weak in the laws at the habitual residence or of the state of nationality of one party shall apply.
  第二十五條 父母子女人身、財(cái)產(chǎn)關(guān)系,適用共同經(jīng)常居所地法律;沒有共同經(jīng)常居所地的,適用一方當(dāng)事人經(jīng)常居所地法律或者國籍國法律中有利于保護(hù)弱者權(quán)益的法律。

Article 26 As for a divorce by agreement, the parties concerned may choose the applicable laws at the habitual residence or of the state of nationality of one party by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the mutual habitual residence shall apply; if there is no mutual habitual residence, the laws of the mutual state of nationality shall apply; if there is no mutual nationality, the laws at the locality of the institution handling the divorce formalities shall apply.
  第二十六條 協(xié)議離婚,當(dāng)事人可以協(xié)議選擇適用一方當(dāng)事人經(jīng)常居所地法律或者國籍國法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用共同經(jīng)常居所地法律;沒有共同經(jīng)常居所地的,適用共同國籍國法律;沒有共同國籍的,適用辦理離婚手續(xù)機(jī)構(gòu)所在地法律。

Article 27 The laws at the locality of the court shall apply to a divorce by litigation.
  第二十七條 訴訟離婚,適用法院地法律。

Article 28 The laws at the habitual residence of the adopter and the adoptee shall apply to the qualifications and formalities of adoption. The laws at the habitual residence of the adopter at the time of adoption shall apply to the validity of adoption. The laws at the habitual residence of the adoptee at the time of adoption or at the locality of the court shall apply to the termination of the adoptive relation.
  第二十八條 收養(yǎng)的條件和手續(xù),適用收養(yǎng)人和被收養(yǎng)人經(jīng)常居所地法律。收養(yǎng)的效力,適用收養(yǎng)時(shí)收養(yǎng)人經(jīng)常居所地法律。收養(yǎng)關(guān)系的解除,適用收養(yǎng)時(shí)被收養(yǎng)人經(jīng)常居所地法律或者法院地法律。

Article 29 The laws in favor of protecting the rights and interests of the persons being maintained in the laws at the habitual residence, of the state of nationality or at the locality of the main properties of one party shall apply to maintenance.
  第二十九條 扶養(yǎng),適用一方當(dāng)事人經(jīng)常居所地法律、國籍國法律或者主要財(cái)產(chǎn)所在地法律中有利于保護(hù)被扶養(yǎng)人權(quán)益的法律。

Article 30 The laws in favor of protecting the rights and interests of the persons under guardianship in the laws at the habitual residence or of the state of nationality of one party shall apply to guardianship.
  第三十條 監(jiān)護(hù),適用一方當(dāng)事人經(jīng)常居所地法律或者國籍國法律中有利于保護(hù)被監(jiān)護(hù)人權(quán)益的法律。

Chapter IV Inheritance
第四章 繼承

Article 31 The laws at the habitual residence at the time of death of the deceased shall apply to legal inheritance, but the laws at the locality of the real estate shall apply to the legal inheritance of a real estate.
  第三十一條 法定繼承,適用被繼承人死亡時(shí)經(jīng)常居所地法律,但不動(dòng)產(chǎn)法定繼承,適用不動(dòng)產(chǎn)所在地法律。

Article 32 A testament shall be confirmed as valid if its form conforms to the laws at the habitual residence, of the state of nationality or at the locality of the testamentary acts when the testament is made or at the time of death of the testator.
  第三十二條 遺囑方式,符合遺囑人立遺囑時(shí)或者死亡時(shí)經(jīng)常居所地法律、國籍國法律或者遺囑行為地法律的,遺囑均為成立。

Article 33 The laws at the habitual residence or of the state of nationality when the testament is made or at the time of death of the testator shall apply to the validity of a testament.
  第三十三條 遺囑效力,適用遺囑人立遺囑時(shí)或者死亡時(shí)經(jīng)常居所地法律或者國籍國法律。

Article 34 The laws at the locality of an estate shall apply to the administration of estates and related issues.
  第三十四條 遺產(chǎn)管理等事項(xiàng),適用遺產(chǎn)所在地法律。

Article 35 The laws at the locality of an estate at the time of death of the deceased shall apply to the disposition of a vacant estate.
  第三十五條 無人繼承遺產(chǎn)的歸屬,適用被繼承人死亡時(shí)遺產(chǎn)所在地法律。

Chapter V Real Right
第五章 物權(quán)

Article 36 The laws at the locality of immovables shall apply to the right to immovables.
  第三十六條 不動(dòng)產(chǎn)物權(quán),適用不動(dòng)產(chǎn)所在地法律。

Article 37 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to the right over the movables by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the locality of the movables when the legal facts take place shall apply.
  第三十七條 當(dāng)事人可以協(xié)議選擇動(dòng)產(chǎn)物權(quán)適用的法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用法律事實(shí)發(fā)生時(shí)動(dòng)產(chǎn)所在地法律。

Article 38 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to any change of the right over the movables taking place in transportation by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the destination of transportation shall apply.
  第三十八條 當(dāng)事人可以協(xié)議選擇運(yùn)輸中動(dòng)產(chǎn)物權(quán)發(fā)生變更適用的法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用運(yùn)輸目的地法律。

Article 39 The laws at the locality of the realization of the rights of negotiable securities or other laws which have the closest relation with the negotiable securities shall apply to negotiable securities.
  第三十九條 有價(jià)證券,適用有價(jià)證券權(quán)利實(shí)現(xiàn)地法律或者其他與該有價(jià)證券有最密切聯(lián)系的法律。

Article 40 The laws at the locality of the establishment of the right of pledge shall apply to the pledge of rights.
  第四十條 權(quán)利質(zhì)權(quán),適用質(zhì)權(quán)設(shè)立地法律。

Chapter VI Creditor’s Rights
第六章 債權(quán)

Article 41 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to contracts by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the habitual residence of the party whose fulfillment of obligations can best reflect the characteristics of this contract or other laws which have the closest relation with this contract shall apply.
  第四十一條 當(dāng)事人可以協(xié)議選擇合同適用的法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用履行義務(wù)最能體現(xiàn)該合同特征的一方當(dāng)事人經(jīng)常居所地法律或者其他與該合同有最密切聯(lián)系的法律。

Article 42 The laws at the habitual residence of consumers shall apply to consumer contracts; If a consumer chooses the applicable laws at the locality of the provision of goods or services or an operator has no relevant business operations at the habitual residence of the consumer, the laws at the locality of the provision of goods or services shall apply.
  第四十二條 消費(fèi)者合同,適用消費(fèi)者經(jīng)常居所地法律;消費(fèi)者選擇適用商品、服務(wù)提供地法律或者經(jīng)營者在消費(fèi)者經(jīng)常居所地沒有從事相關(guān)經(jīng)營活動(dòng)的,適用商品、服務(wù)提供地法律。

Article 43 The laws at the working locality of laborers shall apply to labor contracts; if it is difficult to determine the working locality of a laborer, the laws at the main business place of the employer shall apply. The laws at the dispatching place of labor services shall apply to labor dispatches.
  第四十三條 勞動(dòng)合同,適用勞動(dòng)者工作地法律;難以確定勞動(dòng)者工作地的,適用用人單位主營業(yè)地法律。勞務(wù)派遣,可以適用勞務(wù)派出地法律。

Article 44 The laws at the place of tort shall apply to liabilities for tort, but if the parties have a mutual habitual residence, the laws at the mutual habitual residence shall apply. If the parties choose the applicable laws by agreement after any tort takes place, the agreement shall prevail.
  第四十四條 侵權(quán)責(zé)任,適用侵權(quán)行為地法律,但當(dāng)事人有共同經(jīng)常居所地的,適用共同經(jīng)常居所地法律。侵權(quán)行為發(fā)生后,當(dāng)事人協(xié)議選擇適用法律的,按照其協(xié)議。

Article 45 The laws at the habitual residence of the infringed shall apply to product liabilities; if the infringed chooses the applicable laws at the main business place of the infringer or at the locality of the infringement, or the infringer has no relevant business operations at the habitual residence of the infringed, the laws at the main business place of the infringer or at the locality of the infringement shall apply.
  第四十五條 產(chǎn)品責(zé)任,適用被侵權(quán)人經(jīng)常居所地法律;被侵權(quán)人選擇適用侵權(quán)人主營業(yè)地法律、損害發(fā)生地法律的,或者侵權(quán)人在被侵權(quán)人經(jīng)常居所地沒有從事相關(guān)經(jīng)營活動(dòng)的,適用侵權(quán)人主營業(yè)地法律或者損害發(fā)生地法律。

Article 46 If such personal rights as the right of name, right of portrait, right of reputation, right of privacy, etc. are infringed upon via the network or by other means, the laws at the habitual residence of the infringed shall apply.
  第四十六條 通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)或者采用其他方式侵害姓名權(quán)、肖像權(quán)、名譽(yù)權(quán)、隱私權(quán)等人格權(quán)的,適用被侵權(quán)人經(jīng)常居所地法律。

Article 47 The applicable laws chosen by the parties concerned by agreement shall apply to ill-gotten gains and negotiorum gestio. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the mutual habitual residence of the parties shall apply; if there is no mutual habitual residence, the laws at the locality of ill-gotten gains and negotiorum gestio shall apply.
  第四十七條 不當(dāng)?shù)美、無因管理,適用當(dāng)事人協(xié)議選擇適用的法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用當(dāng)事人共同經(jīng)常居所地法律;沒有共同經(jīng)常居所地的,適用不當(dāng)?shù)美、無因管理發(fā)生地法律。

Chapter VII Intellectual Property Rights
第七章 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)

Article 48 The laws at the locality where protection is claimed shall apply to the ownership and contents of the intellectual property right.
  第四十八條 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)的歸屬和內(nèi)容,適用被請(qǐng)求保護(hù)地法律。

Article 49 A party may choose the laws applicable to the assignment and licensed use of intellectual property right by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the relevant provisions on contracts of this Law shall apply.
  第四十九條 當(dāng)事人可以協(xié)議選擇知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓和許可使用適用的法律。當(dāng)事人沒有選擇的,適用本法對(duì)合同的有關(guān)規(guī)定。

Article 50 The laws at the locality where protection is claimed shall apply to the liabilities for tort for intellectual property, the parties concerned may also choose the applicable laws at the locality of the court by agreement after the tort takes place.
  第五十條 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)的侵權(quán)責(zé)任,適用被請(qǐng)求保護(hù)地法律,當(dāng)事人也可以在侵權(quán)行為發(fā)生后協(xié)議選擇適用法院地法律。

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
第八章 附則

Article 51 If the provisions in Article 146 and Article 147 of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China and Article 36 of the Law of Succession of the People’s Republic of China do not conform with the provisions in this Law, the provisions in this Law shall prevail.
  第五十一條 《中華人民共和國民法通則》第一百四十六條、第一百四十七條,《中華人民共和國繼承法》第三十六條,與本法的規(guī)定不一致的,適用本法。

Article 52 This Law shall come into force on April 1, 2011.

  第五十二條 本法自2011年4月1日起施行。

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